Strawberry Steel Oat Sundae

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  1. Thank you all for your sweet comments. It is amazing how the presentation of a food enhances the joy of eating. We don’t need to go to a restaurant to treat ourselves or those we care about to a special dish – most of us have items around our home that we save for special occasions. I am an advocate of turning any given day as a special occasion. If you should try the recipe – please let me know. It delights my heart. Katherine – I hope you are having the best time with your grand babies and thanks again for letting me kidnap your blog today and get to know some of your awesome readers a little better.

  2. I’ve never heard of a breakfast sundae but I think this is something my whole family would eat. We love to use oats in new ways!

    1. Hi Tamara,
      I know me either but I’m glad I tried it because it’s pretty cute and a good way to use those ice cream dishes for something else. I hope if you try it’s a hit with your family. My children are grown up now but they used to love with every once in awhile I did the unexpected.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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