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  1. When I lived in Utah I had a kitchen in the same layout as yours.
    I also created a small coffee/tea station. Makes things so convenient!
    ღ Have a wonderful day today.

  2. I have a microwave cart that I use to store my tea items. The top of the cart has a mini station on it for sweeteners and the shelf you see has my very small collection of tea related items (i.e. tea pots, steepers, and of course teas). I love your space!

  3. Dear Catherine, I am still getting life back together after Hurricane Sandy, though it is coming along step by step. I do think you kitchen look lovely.
    I keep my coffee maker in the same spot each day too.

    Have a great week. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  4. Katherine, I, too, have a corner in my kitchen that is dedicated to coffee, espresso and tea. Above are our mugs and coffee beans, and tea bags. Love it all in one location. I had a butler’s pantry added to our house when we built it, between my kitchen, the dining room, and my pantry room. It looks very similar to the second one that you featured (antiqued white too!). Great taste my dear! Love all of the green accents in your kitchen too!

  5. I do not have room in my pantry for one, but my stepmother has a little station in her kitchen. Although I do have all my teas in a tray on top of the microwave and keep the honey and sugar bowl by it.

  6. Katherine, I agree with you, I like the last one best. It is bigger than my first kitchen! LOL! I love that your kitchen is so neat and functional. I try to keep mine that way but often let decor get in the way. I will purge the counters and start again. We have a bit of coffee station near the bar sink. Our home is too small for a butler’s pantry but one would be so nice.
    Great post, Thanks for sharing, Ginger

  7. I don’t have a Butler’s pantry either, but they sure are appealing. Your kitchen is really nice, though. I always suggest people keep the mugs right above the coffee as well.. just easier when one is only half awake:)

  8. The second to last one with the ‘wine’ station is my favourite! Although I drink more coffee it would be perfect as the coffee machine is right next to it! Great post 😀

  9. Oh deary me…those pantries have me drooling!! It’s going to be a while before we will have a place (with a pantry) of our own, but a girl can still dream, right?

  10. Love your little coffee/tea station, Katie! My choice of where to keep the coffee maker has always been right next to the sink so it’s very easy to refill by just pulling out the extendable faucet and filling the reservoir that way. I love that! We are part of a local “family” group and take turns hosting coffee on Wednesdays. I’ve set things up so anyone can find anything they need very easily: mugs are in the cupboard right next to where the coffee maker sits, and I keep a small basket next to the coffee maker with tea bags, sugar, sweeteners, a small bottle of honey, and even a couple of packets of hot cocoa mix. And all the eating utensils are in a drawer in the same area. It works very well for us!

  11. No matter the size of a kitchen, it must be functional to be a space you enjoy it looks like yours serves you well. Yes, I have a butler’s pantry and it’s one of my favorite spaces.

  12. Honestly my kitchen is just your normal average run of the mill kitchens and I have my Keurig machine (yes I don’t know how I lived without for all those years) sitting on top of one of my countertops. But look at all the kitchen inspirations above and totally drooling now! Happy Friday Katie and thanks for sharing 🙂

  13. Hi Katherine,
    I love the kitchen, it is absolutely brilliant, but how do you work in such a small space. The only room in the house that I really want space in is my Kitchen, especially as Les and I quite often try and cook together, but even then with my Kitchen we are usually one at a time unless we are doing dishes then we do them together.
    I hope that you have a fantastic day.
    Love and best wishes.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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