make it monday week one

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  1. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Katherine!
    I’m late to the party to thank you so much for the lovely feature . . . It’s been a busy week!!
    I’ll be coming by again tonight for your party :0)
    I hope you’re having a great week,

  2. You’re just the sweetest! Thank you so much for the warm welcome back! I feel like I have such a fabulous internet family and I’m so very lucky for everyone’s kindness! Hugs!!

  3. Hi Katherine, Good morning Monday, thanks for stopping by over the weekend, I appreciate that. Today I have featured your post with my Featured Friends Monday. Hope you have a great week!!

  4. Mother’s Day is rapidly approaching, dear Katie, and your mother is lucky to have such a sweet and caring daughter. My favorite picture on this post is the outdoor pillow. Those colors are used heavily here in Florida.

  5. Monday does come so fast ~ but glad you had a nice time with your Mother! Thanks for the feature! x Julia

Love each other as God loves you xo

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