container gardening basics

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  1. I, too, love container gartdening. I use geraniums, begonias, impatiens, coleus, lots of different things. I also plant alot of annuals all around the yard too. I love color!!!! Now that we have the patio and pond, we have pots on the patio and flowers all around the pind too. I plan to do a post about all of it next week.

  2. So beautiful! Can you come to my house and help :)? I pinned it, stumbled it, and google +’d it! Have a great weekend!

  3. You are always such an inspiration! I also have several container gardens in process, and just as soon as I leave your little corner here I am going outside to finish up. Perhaps I should post some photos, too, just so you can see how much you have inspired me. ;o)

    PS Do you have any photos that we could use in the summer issue of Ruby . . . . . I think I have the cover finalized, but maybe you will have something that we could use for cover of the autumn issue? Let me know what you think! Hugs, Nina

  4. I love flowers and yours look gorgeous. I had never heard of the plastic bottle trick. Thank you for sharing because I have a lot of landscaping to do (probably next year) and I would really like to add some container gardens to my outside entryway.

  5. Containerized plants and flowers are a wonderful hobby, dear Katie. Cactus and succulents captured my imagination in recent years and at one point I had more than 100 displayed on the patio. Mrs. Shady has quite a few flowering plants in containers on mirrored pedestals and in hanging baskets.

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Katie!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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