Katherines Corner Book Club Pick Now on HBO
Katherines Corner Book Club Pick Now on HBO-
Surprise, a post on Sunday! A little post today to mention that a previous Katherines Corner book club pick is now on HBO as a mini series. The Leftovers, a best selling book by author Tom Perrotta will start tonight . I realize not everyone has HBO. But, I thought I would share a bit about it anyway, and maybe it will nudge you to read the book if you don’t have an opportunity to watch the series.
This particular book club pick actually had a slow start. But for those who are patient and curious it will soon keep you reading on. You can read previous book club comments here. I am thinking about starting the book club again would you be interested? (please let me know in the comments).
The book is about the aftermath of a “rapture-like” event in a suburban town. I am always anxious to see how a book “comes to life” on film. The series is written by Damon Lindelof (“Lost,” “Star Trek”) and the author Tom Perrotta. I think it will be done well.
Justin Theroux plays the main character Kevin Garvey the towns Police Chief.
Liv Tyler ( image source) Scott Glenn ( image source) Amy Brenneman (image source) are among the other cast members.
For a full list of the cast please click here.
Glad I found your ‘Corner’s” book list. Sometimes we all just need a good read… I watched the Leftovers trailer on Youtube… it looked exciting and well done; though I expect the severely persecuted church east of the US would tell us Americans to drink some strong coffee, and give us a few words of advice toward our illusion.
This sounds intersting, will try and find the book
I look forward to learning what you think xo
Wish I had HBO…maybe I can catch it another way later after its initial run. Thanks Katie!
Hi sweetie did you get a chance to read the book? xo
Totally have HBO and will have to check it out when I can now. Thanks Katie and Happy Sunday
Please let me know what you think of it. It’ll be fun watching it “together”xo
I will be watching. I have seen the previews and it looks like it’s going to be good. Isn’t Justin Theroux engaged to Jennifer Aniston?
Hi Sandra, yes he is engaged to Ms. Anniston. I have seen several photos of the couple together and they look very happy. I have no idea when they will be getting married, I think they are doing a good job of keeping it a secret (wink).