holiday poinsettia craft

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  1. I always have a hard time decorating for xmas, especially things for my walls. I am going to do this in cream to match everything else in my house.

  2. I am in love with this poinsettia!! I have everything I need to make this too! I’m going to look for the gerber daisy one now!

  3. Gorgeous Katie and I totally braved it this morning (but was around 8:30 am when I went out) and did get some great deals. Do it every year with my mom and we have so much fun and truly worth going out alone to brave the crowds (which again weren’t that bad). Happy Friday and have a great weekend!! 🙂 xoxo!!

  4. This is beautiful, really love that…perfect for the home, I would actually be tempted to leave it around all year, it’s so pretty to hide away!! I hope your Thanksgiving was marvellous my dear…have a gorgeous and blessed weekend 🙂 xx

Love each other as God loves you xo

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