How To Tame A Houseplant
How To Tame a Houseplant-
Sometimes a houseplant will go rogue! Ivy, philodendron and pathos are the top three that come to mind. One day you glance over, and almost overnight, it has shoots/vines (runners) taking off on their own, no longer wanting to play with the others. I had such a houseplant, my Ivy. It was a gift from a friend and it’s about two years old now. It had shoots on the loose. Today I am sharing how to tame a houseplant.
The process is quite simple and with the right tools it doesn’t take long at all. Soon you will have those rogue shoots/vines mingling with the group. Your plant will go from sparse to spectacular. I am a big dreamer, but it will look a lot better. If you have a plant that needs taming gather these supplies and let’s get started.
You will need
• A dowel or bamboo stick ,about a ¼ inch in diameter and long enough to push into the soil about 3-5 inches and stick up about 24 -30 inches above the soil
• A bag or two of green Super Moss all-purpose mat (or other moss, organic material) that can be easily manipulated. You will need enough to make a solid wrap around your dowel or bamboo.If you can find it in a roll it is terrific too.
• Floral tape ( green works best )
• Scissors
Start by gently pulling all of your shoots away from the main plant. You will want to have a trash bin or bag nearby, you will most likely find some dry leaves that will need removing.Rats, I didn’t realize it but the photo with all of the runners didn’t come out ( lose one blogger point, giggle).
Place the dowel/ bamboo into the center of the plant and push it down about 3-5 inches.
Take your sheet moss and begin to wrap it around your dowel. Secure it as you go with floral tape, about every 3-4 inches. Leave a couple of inches of dowel at the top.The plant will natural try and grown onto it.
When your dowel/bamboo is covered and secured with floral tape.
you can begin gently wrapping your shoots and securing them with floral tape. Try to get the floral tape on the vine (stem and not on leaves).
Continue with each vine until you have “fluffed up” and tamed your houseplant.
Give your plant a good drink of water and stand back and admire your work. When more vines start to take off, just fill in the spaces a little at a time.
If you had a causality or two while wrapping, place the raw ends in a jar half filled with water and let them sprout fresh roots. Soon you can plant them in your houseplant again or plant them in a starter container and grow a whole new houseplant.
That’s How To Tame A Houseplant, will you be using this process to reign in any of your rogue plants?
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Have a great weekend everyone.
What a great idea! Maybe if would remember to water my plants they would grow. LOL
you make me smile xo
There’s always something new to learn from your blog each time I visit! Pinned!
Have a great weekend, Katherine.
You are such a sweetie, so happy you find useful things here. Hugs!!!! P.S> thank you for pinning
I had one I kept on a metal corner stand, with 4 shelves, it covered the whole thing! They thrive if you show them love. I gave shoots to all of my neighbors, I love sharing!
I give shoots away too. I bet your plant was amazing. Hugs!
There’s always something new to learn from your blog each time I visit! Pinned!
You are so kind. Thank you I love to share. xo
You did a great job taming that ivy and training it. I just wish I could keep a houseplant alive!
You are such a cutie. I know you could keep a philodendron alive they are very forgiving. xo
That looks nice, Katherine. I pinned it if I ever get another houseplant.
thank you Danielle I love it when I share something that is pin worthy xox
This is a great idea…Have a great weekend xx
thank you doll xoxoxoxo