Prosciutto Melon Mozzarella Skewers

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  1. This is a great flavor combination. I could eat them all! Thanks for linking up and sharing with us at Funtastic Friday. This recipe is featured this week at the Funtastic Friday linkup.

  2. Those prosciutto skewers look delicious! I can’t believe how hot it was for you this weekend! I hope you had a great 4th! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up to Dream. Create. Inspire. Link:). Pinning!

  3. I’m drooling right now! This looks so good. Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for bringing this to our party and we hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. Lou Lou Girls

  4. I love the little skewers you use… mine are all quite long. I would serve this – so light and fresh!

  5. Hey Katherine, I joined up with a new Link party which I think you will enjoy! Its called Dream, Create , Inspire, Link, Love if you share this Prosciutto Recipe! Here is the invite:

    Thanks Maria

    1. Thank you LZ, In all truthfulness the combination of cantaloupe and prosciutto was not my original idea, Italians have been enjoying the two sweet and savory flavors for a very long time. The addition of basil and mozzarella and the dipping sauce is just a bit more yummy for the sweet and savory palate. Hoping you get a chance to give it a try. Hugs

  6. I love easy finger foods that go great with BBQ! My husband is a firm believer that the BBQ must go on. Heat wave? Subzero temperatures? Not a problem for him. Me? I’ll be waiting inside! Thanks for sharing your recipe with us at Brag About it! Hope you have a restful and cool 4th!

  7. We’ve been hit by a heat wave over here too. It’s crazy hot and we’re bracing ourselves for a drought that is expected to last for at least 3 months.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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