waiting on Autumn

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  1. We had a wonderful day yesterday…low 80’s and 66 at night! Such a refreshing day and I so wish it would continue. Beautiful features and your photographs are always perfect!

    Have a wonderful week ~

  2. It’s been awhile since I’ve visited your blog since the passing of my mother in July and I am just now catching up! Yes, it did finally cool down today and this weekend . . . should be down in the 50’s tonight so it feels like beautiful autumn is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to staying current with all of your wonderful posts and truly appreciate your friendship. Thank you for your kind e-sympathy card too!!

  3. It has cooled down a bit here with thunderstorms here this past week, but still around 80 as a high. However, I am truly not wishing for cold weather just yet, but know it will be here soon enough. Wonderful recap, Katie and wishing you a great weekend ahead now!! xoxo 😉

Love each other as God loves you xo

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