lovely lilacs

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  1. Oh I absolutely love lilacs! They are my favourite flower and these are just absolutely gorgeous. Thank for sharing these… you made my day 🙂 Hugs, Lisa

    1. My pleasure. I was rinsing veggies and looking out of the open kitchen window this morning. The birds were enjoying the gardens freshly turned soil. The lilac bush is just under the window, smelled so wonderful. It made cleaning up a little bit nicer too. Hugs

  2. Lilacs have always been my mom’s fave. I wonder if I could get some sent to her for Mother’s Day. I’ll have to look into it. And I hear ya about best laid plans. 😉

  3. Hi Katherine,

    Lilacs are tops on my favorite flowers list. Not only because they are my favorite color, 😉 but they smell fantastic too. And you did a good job switching gears there. lol

    My lilacs are not blooming yet. I almost thought I might not get any because we had a warm spell, which made them start to bud, then we had a spell of night frosts which took out many of the buds. I’m happy to say that I do still have some green on my bushes. It will be a while before they bloom but I’m very much looking forward to it. And I agree with Donna that they don’t last long enough.

    Have a lovely day!

      1. Oh I know what you mean. Isn’t their aroma amazing!!!. I have three that come up every year in my flower bed and it’s fun how they come up in different spots from the year before.

  4. Lilacs are a favorite and they don’t last near long enough. The variety you show is just beautiful. Do you have a trick to get them to last after they are cut and put in a vase?

    1. Hello Donna, I fill a vase or container with warm (not hot) tap water. I cut lilacs early in the morning when they are fully turgid (filled with water). I use scissors and cut just above a leaf, bud or branch “v”. Try to keep a long stem. Remove leaves to help keep the bacteria down in the vase. Each day I snip a little off of each stem and place them in fresh water again. The effort is worth it; you will enjoy your lilacs for several days instead of only one or two. hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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