make it Monday feature

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  1. Oh, I have citronella oil. This is a lovely idea. Those mason jars are conquering us nowadays, don’t they? They’re just the cutest and most useful tool I’ve seen so far.

  2. So many great features on this weeks inspiration Monday. I love the recipes and can’t wait to try them. Also going to make some of the candles. Blue is my favorite color and the features including the outfit are beautiful! Thank you!

  3. Thank you very much for featuring my Beach Tablescape in the Cabana post. I am thrilled to be included in those you’ve chosen to highlight this week. Certainly, it may seem frivolous to be thinking of these types of things in light of the terrible tragedy that has occurred in Orlando but I think our minds especially need to focus on the beauty that is out there at a time like this. Your words have indeed captured the feelings we all share and prayers are definitely being said! Thanks again.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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