Between the Lines blog series week 9
Between the Lines blog series week 9-
Welcome it’s time for another installment of “Between the Lines”, it’s Between the Lines blog series week 9 already! The blog series where I introduce bloggers age 50 and older that you should be following! This is the final post spot lighting some of blog land’s best and brightest stars. A lot like Katherines Corner this blog series has been a labor of love. I do hope you all have enjoyed getting to know these wonderful bloggers. Please continue to visit and leave plenty of comment love. I will be adding a never ending link up at Katherines Corner where all bloggers age 50 and older can share their blog ( a lot like a link party). Next week it is my turn. I will be answering questions submitted to me by all of the Between the Lines bloggers. Are you ready to meet some more fabulous bloggers of a certain age?
Meet Debi, blogger at Surroundings by Debi, Most of you know Debi as a co hostess of the Thursday Favorite Things link party. But did you know, she creates beautiful floral arrangement and she used to have her own floral shop? Debi is a bright light on a dark day, she is kicking cancer’s butt with the strength of Gods grace. She is passionate about creating and decorating and she shares ways to create special spaces in your home.
I asked- Were you a blog reader before your blog was created?
I had to smile when Katherine asked me this question. I was definitely a blog reader. More like a blog devourer! It all started with me being addicted to Pinterest. Before that I hadn’t even really seen a blog …. Didn’t even know they existed. But as I clicked through all of the pins I loved, and viewed where they had come from, I was introduced to blogs and inspired by some wonderful people. There were so many talented people sharing with others.
Having been in the floral and decorating business for over 30 years I knew I would love sharing with others too! I missed the days I had spent it my own shop helping customers find just the right thing for their home and creating the perfect piece for there décor.
Several people urged me to give blogging a try and so I did.
Surroundings by Debi went live in April of 2014 after months of designing my site, finding the right logo and working to get it just as I wanted.
I still follow many of the same blogs I found in the very beginning. Each blog I read inspires me to this day.
I am reminded of the phrase Your Talent is God’s gift to you …. What you do with it is your gift to God.
I love sharing with so many talented people ….. Some I now count as treasured friends!
What was the last gift you gave and why?
The last gift I gave was a book of inspiration to someone who was going through a series of life struggles.
It was a book I had received and read myself and found it to be an encouragement to me.
Having recently experienced a few struggles of my own I have come to realize how a small gift or gesture can make someone’s day. To be reminded that someone is out there in the world keeping you in their thoughts and prayers can lift your spirits in such a big way.
It doesn’t have to big a big gift. Often times even a card with encouraging words can mean the world to someone who is struggling.
My goal is to be a better friend in the area as I go forward in life.
Meet Wendy blogger at, The Art Of Why Not.Wendy is a author of the book, “Made to Last”44 ways to nurture the Mother Daughter relationship. Wendy is a champion for God and through her faith, she shares was to change our everyday ordinary into everyday extraordinary!
I asked-Did you submit your blog to search engines, and did you do it when you first began or after you had posted for a little bit? That’s a great question! So great, actually, that I had to google “how to submit your blog to search engines” so that I could answer you! I now know that not only have I never submitted my blog to a search engine, but that I really need to get on that. Wow, and how long have I been blogging?? {face palm} Thanks, Katie, for the tip and for adding to my to-do list!
It’s summer time and that means trips to the seaside, splashing in pools and other activities involving water.When was the last time you wore a bikini?Bahaha, perfect timing! I read this question as I was literally sitting at the beach wearing a little swim dress that would look adorable on my grandmother! I can tell you exactly the last time I wore a bikini: July, 1999, at Virginia Beach, VA. I remember this for a couple of reasons: I saw pictures of myself taken that day and realized that things look better in the bedroom mirror than they do in the camera mirror. Hmm, funny how that just kind of sneaks up on you!
I moved to the Middle East a few weeks after that beach trip. Even though our home was in a private area where we could wear what we wanted at our pool, the severe modesty of the culture definitely worked its way into my mindset. Even after returning to the US, it took a long time before I could wear shorts and a sleeveless shirt without feeling naked!
So, while I never again plan to grace the beaches in a bikini, I’m not sure I’m ready for the cute little swim dress — the skirted tankini remains my summer suit of choice. :-
Meet Terri, blogger at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives. Terri leads a very active and healthy lifestyle that provides plenty of wonderful things to share . Terri is a new bloggy friend and I look forward to reading about her adventures in windsurfing, stand-up paddle boarding (SUP), camping, reading, writing, teaching, walking the dogs, traveling, and more.
I asked-Why did you start a blog? In a nutshell, at midlife I went back to school to get a master’s degree so that I could teach part-time as a university lecturer. I wrote a thesis on the Four Generations in the Workplace and became somewhat of an expert on the subject, asked to give a variety of presentations and trainings to colleagues and outside organizations. Someone suggested I start a blog. My blog began as a professional development series highlighting the Four Generations and their characteristics, preferences and traits as they navigated changing conditions in the workplace. But, then I got bored with my own blog, and…
For the whole story, visit Terri’s post.
High heels or sneakers? My answer? I live in Northern California and love the outdoors, and with all the water sports I do, I love my flip flops with good arch support. As a midlife woman I’ve experienced some foot pain due to arthritis and plantar fasciitis. Good orthotics in my gym shoes and hiking boots solves that problem. High heels never worked for my wide size-10s, so for a professional look I go with a low heel or flat.
Meet Carol ,blogger at The Red Painted Cottage. Carol has had a lot of stress mixed with excitement at her home lately. I hope you will stop by and leave some love on her page. Carol is a talented artist and she shares some of her work on her blog. She has the cutest dog named Molly and she share moment with molly once a week. I love it! She lives in Michigan ( you may recall my hubby is from the UP ( MI) and we will be retiring there.When the time comes. Watch for her posts on vintage treasures too.
I asked- Which Social Network draws the most blog visits? Surprisingly, it’s Blogger! I didn’t even realize that’s a social network, but according to my Google Analytics, it must be. Then Facebook, then Pinterest and on down from there.
Go to the pool or go to the beach? I love to swim in a pool, but I love taking walks along the shoreline of a beach. Living near Lake Michigan and having wintered in Florida, I’ve had no shortage of finding miles of beach shoreline to walk.
Meet Ana blogger at Mrs American Made. Ana writes an inspiring style blog sharing all things fashion. She shares where she finds her American Made outfits and she is quick to declare she is not a model or Fashionista. She is just a mom in Boulder, Colorado, trying to look cute on an everyday basis. Mission accomplished, I think she is gorgeous. She and her family are also green ( like hubby and I) keeping our global footprint small by recycling, etc.
I asked -Minimum number of images you include in one post – One. My blog is about outfits that feature clothing made in America so I feel it is important to show at least one full photo of the outfit. Usually my posts have an average of three photos, but can range anywhere from 1 to 5 or 6. The other photos will show details of items and a closer shot of the outfit or other angles. Then there is a bit of copy to describe the look and pieces – and a link to every brand that I have mentioned so others can shop #MadeinUSA as well.
Last diy or craftiness it was a skirt I made from some fabric I bought in Hawaii last summer. It is a classic Hawaiian pineapple-y print in black and white so I can wear it with different tops. You can see it my post today, along with another cute crafty project I worked on with my husband. We made place card holders from a thick stick we found on a walk and then I have written family member names in calligraphy to put at the table. I can’t wait to use them!
Meet Teresa blogger at- Aging Like A Fine Wine, she is embracing her second half of life while sharing delicious recipes to fill your recipe box and creative diy posts too. She is happily married and she focuses on sharing with readers of a certain age. She is also involved in Horses with Heart, a therapeutic riding program. Teresa and Margaretha have something in common.
I asked How many blog hops/link parties do you join each week? The number varies according to how much time I have and how appropriate my current post is for each specific link party. I feel it’s very important not only to link up, but to take the time to read and comment on other bloggers posts. Sometimes that means coming back later to complete that task! I actually have created a little spreadsheet of each of the blogs on my “Where I Party” page with boxes for checking off the number of linked up posts I have commented on. If I didn’t do it that way I could never keep track.
I wish I could read and comment on every single one, but there just isn’t enough time in the day!
What is your favorite sport to participate in or to be a fan of? Oh wow, I have to laugh because I am probably the least athletic person there is! However, my husband Paul and I do enjoy kayaking the local streams. We’re not talking the risky white water areas, but the slow lazy streams!
I have a funny story to share (I wish I had a picture). We had been kayaking in a local river and had paddled to the shore to leave. My husband exited his kayak and then turned to help me exit mine (I seem to always have a hard time with this). While he was helping me to stand, I lost my balance and fell in the water, pulling him in right on top of me! There were a number of people standing close by trying to hide their laughter! I couldn’t hide mine though, I laughed all the way home!
As far as being a fan, football is the sport I enjoy watching the most. We spend our Sunday afternoons during football season glued to the TV!
Meet Tracey Lee blogger at Mia Bella Passion.You will love all of the fantastic and creative things you find on her blog. She is a very talented blogger who is passionately inspired by many things, and she shares them with all of us.
I asked-If you could change one thing about your blog what would it be? Well actually I have just done this to Mia Bella Passions Blog.I reduced the art content.
Because I am a working artist as well as a blogger, it got to the stage where there was simply too much art and the blog was becoming a bit cluttered.
So I started a new blog called ‘Tracey Lee Cassin Art’. Not a whole lot of blogging goes on over there, but my art is categorized and has more order. It’s more about sharing the art and showing what’s for sale. Making this one change led to a whole revamp of Mia Bella Passions.
New blog header, labels, font, links to the art web page…you know how it is …you make one change, and it seems to lead to many others – a bit like when you decide to rearrange the sitting room furniture.
I’m very happy with my blog appearance now. I think it is a huge improvement! There’s still a bit of art there, but now has links to the art page. And I’m in love with the new black, grey white colour scheme. You have no idea how hard it was for me to release the pink. (Lol.)
The last person you complimented? My daughter: She is a beautiful young woman with an equally oversized beautiful heart. In our very small town where nobody really dresses up she does. She loves 50s just like I do. She turns heads on the street. What makes me laugh is she says ‘why is she/he looking at me?’. Every Saturday we have a mama and daughter day. We go to town and have cake and coffee and yes – dress-up.
So the last compliment was to her in answer to that question. ‘Because you are beautiful’.
Meet Darlene blogger at, Let It Shine, She shares posts about her family and grandchildren, her love of art, her creativity and she shares ways to feed the creative spirit in all of us. She takes us on her journey for inner peace and happiness,and she shares many things that help to nurture the spirit.
I asked- how many hours do you spend on social media? I spend about 2 hours per day on social networking.
Favorite summer time drink?Ice tea.
We are keeping the Between the Lines Series momentum going with our Between the Lines community HERE. Please join us.
It is a pleasure to highlight all of the lovely bloggers in the Between the Lines blog series.
Please get to know these fabulous bloggers and send a little comment love their way too. Comments are like hugs for bloggers.
If you missed any of the bloggers of a certain age posts, you can catch up HERE
Please visit this weeks Featured Bloggers by clicking on each blog in the list below ♥
I hope to see you all back here tomorrow night ( 7 pm MST) you can start linking your blog early for the Thursday Favorite Things link party. Watch for the new giveaway post on Friday too.
Another great week of bloggers. Thanks for the series Katherine!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing more new blogger friends, and reminding me there’s fun to be had between those ever-widening lines.
Enjoyed the series – thanks for all the hard work.
Its great to meet other like minde woman! Thank you!
I have really loved this series and visited so many amazing ladies. I’m not on google plus but I can still keep up with what all of you are doing. I’m older than many of you…but I am active and stay young at heart! Thanks for this wonderful series my friend. Hugs, Diane
Katherine—you’ve done an outstanding job on putting this endeavor together!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
As always enjoy learning more about your blogger friends here and can’t wait to hear your answers to all the question posed to you next week, too. Happy Tuesday now, Katie xoxo <3