3 simple tips I use in a small laundry room feature

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  1. So lovely to see your neat and tidy laundry room. I love how you have decorated and added personal touches! Thinking of how I can make our laundry area more personable. Laundry never goes away, does it?!

  2. Our laundry room is in the basement. The dryer is on one side and the washing machine on the other! LOL I have a lot of ideas of what I want for my new laundry area once my husband gets the washing machine moved. I have some cabinets I will put there for the laundry soap etc.

  3. Aw, your laundry room looks so neat and tidy. Great job, Katie and I may need to take a bit of your advice here for ours, as well. Thanks and Happy Wednesday now!! xoxo <3

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