time for thursday favorite things

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  4. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks so much for inviting me over to your party today, I brought some great recipes that I hope your guest will enjoy!
    You have a wonderful weekend.
    Miz Helen

  5. Thanks for the link party, Katherine. My blog post about the jewelry I bought from your shop will be published tomorrow. My emails to you aren’t going through, so I’m letting you know through the comment section. Have a great day!!

    1. Hi Debbie, oh no, are you getting an error message when you email me? I’ll do a test this morning and see if I can find out what is happening. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, Hugs!

  6. Katherine and party—Love your blog site. The shopping is wonderful. Keep up the great work. Gaye A

  7. Dear Katherine, thanks most sincerely for sharing such inspiring features and for hosting every week such a precious link-up party !

    Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week.
    I’m sending hugs and more hugs to you

    XOXO Daniela at – My little old world sweetlydreamingofthepast

    1. Hello Daniela such a lovely comment, you are a bright light. I felt your hugs and hope you feel mine too. I look forward to your visits and your participation in the TFT blog party too. xo

  8. Thanks so much for hosting once again this week and hope you are continuing to have wonderful visit with your grandkids now. Happy Thursday, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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