Oh how I miss blt’s. But, today’s post is about BTL not blt ( bacon lettuce tomato sandwich) although if you would like to enjoy one on my behalf while reading today’s post I see no reason why you shouldn’t ( wink). I have quieted my stomach with some tea and toast. I am so happy to share that the BTL a.k.a. Between the Lines women’s facebook group transfer is nearly completed. I previously had the BTL group on google plus. But, in my effort to be where you are, I decided to move it to facebook. Hopefully this transition will allow for even more BTL’ers, Between the Lines boggers (women age 50 and up) to join in.
If you haven’t received your invitation to join us at our new location, I’m working on them and I hope to have the remainder sent out by the end of this week. But, please accept my invitation here today to join us on facebook, please click HERE ( you need to be logged into facebook to join the group).
For ALL of my other lovely readers I will continue to “ramp up” my presence on Instagram. To enjoy sharing with ALL of you on the Katherines Corner facebook page and I always enjoy sharing on. Pinterest is a happy fun place too so I will be concentrating my efforts there as well. I pray those of you younger than 50 will always know that Katherines corner is a blog for sharing and is to be enjoyed by people of all ages. I love ALL of my wonderful bloggy friends from 1-100!
I had intended a follow up post to, the Importance of Being Social HERE. May I just tell you that it’s next to impossible to find updated information! I spent hours and hours and then more hours researching again. I was looking through statistics, analysis and miscellaneous other social networking information. Sadly the only thing I truly discovered is, that women age 50+ do not seem to be in anyone’s demographic. How can that be, I mean really? So, what does these mean to me and to you, nothing, nada, zippity do dah, big fat I don’t care! Instead I’m sharing what I experience. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest is where you want to be and if you are a blogger please add the BTL group to that list too.
Well there you have it, BTL not BLT explained, my invitation sent to you lovelies age 50+
My sincere gratitude to ALL who read, subscribe and share Katherines Corner every day.
ALL of you are a blessing in my little bloggy life.
I hope to see you all back here on Thursday for the TFT ( Thursday Favorite Things ) blog party for all blog writers and blog readers.
So glad to hear it’s been moved to Facebook, Katherine because I hang out there far more often! Thank you
Isn’t it crazy that we aren’t in the demographics? When I did my survey last month, the majority of my followers were 50+, so we certainly are reaching people in our age group. Thanks Katherine. Blessings
It is crazy! Your followers are already proof that we are being heard.Congratulations my friend. My lovely readers/subscribers are split in age range with 39 % age 50+ and 55 % 35-45 and the remaining 6% unknown. Patti your followers are a testament to the fact that we bloggers of a certain age are reaching our peers.xo
Gee, I may be too advanced for this group. The years are there but the attitude — OMG I’m in my forties. !!
I love your attitude, I’m reminded that I’m not in my forties when I try to be superwoman, LOL. I do hope you will join us. hugs
So excited about this new FB Group! Thank-you, Katie!
my pleasure I still have a lot to do. But , I hope it will be a favorite place for those of us of a certain age to support and share with each other. xo
Yeah, research isn’t my thing and I cringed at the thought of you doing hours of it just for us. Love that you put this together and am excited to see where it goes and grows!
Thank you! Im excited to have you a part of it xo
Aw, would love to join, but am only 40 this year. But sounds like a fun group and glad you are almost done transferring it now. Have a lovely Wednesday, Katie xoxo <3
Oh i miss my 40’s. It is a fun group, but you make my day every time you stop by and comment.