puffadoodle cookies

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  1. These actually look amazing!! I’m always on the lookout for baked treats that are low in sugar..as a type 2 diabetic, I know there are ways to indulge without being deprived <3.

      1. I will definitely keep that in mind!! I can’t use sugar either and sometimes it is a challenge! I do use artificial sweeteners though, and occasionally Stevia :). Have a great weekend!!

  2. I’ve never heard of these cookies. They look and sound delish! My mom would love these as they are different and unique! I’ll have to make them and send to her.

  3. Your Puffadoodle Cookies look amazing! My husband is a Diabetic so this is perfect for him. We too use Splenda in Place of sugar’… Thank You again for another fine Recipe. I Pinned it~ Hugs

  4. These cookies look divine and heavenly. I am not on a restricted diet, but will totally try them now. Thanks Katie and hope you are having a wonderful week so far xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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