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  1. We are late on the snowfront. We got 6 inches last night and woke to a few trees with limbs that are touching the ground, due to heavy snowfall! But I love the look of the trees with snow…it’s like a true Winter wonderland!

  2. We also got a winter like storm on Friday. Not much snow actually stuck here. But it was a slushy mess coming down, plus very windy. Last night we actually got a coating of snow, which we didn’t even know we were getting. And Wednesday we are supposed to a have a bit more winter like weather with another storm. So, March is certainly starting off with a bang here. That said, wishing you a lovely week ahead and sending some hugs your way xoxo <3

    1. Janine, ours came in like a lion too. It looks like spring outside my window this morning though.Only a few signs of snow left. We’re expecting more snow this Sunday. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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