TFT party

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  1. Yes, prayers for God’s healing hand over all as your daughter recovers from this surgery. Lord, bring comfort to Katherine and her family. Let the doctors know how to best help this young woman. <3

    Will keep the prayers coming, dear friend,
    Barb <3

  2. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I had no idea! I pray her surgery went well. Thanks for the link up. I love the toadstool party idea. I’m #301 and #302

  3. Hi Katherine! I’m praying your sweet daughter is on the road to a clean bill of health by now. I hope all is going well and you try and have a wonderful weekend! HUGS! 🙂

  4. Katherine, I have been thinking about your daughter all month because I remembered you said her surgery would likely be towards the end of August. Sending you and her family prayers and best results! Please keep us updated on her recovery! love, laura

  5. Beautiful features, Katherine. Thank you for hosting… Lots of work, I’m sure! I’m at 94 with my Lamb’s Ear topiary trees and my free fall printable! Have a great one!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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