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  1. So happy your daughter has the surgery over with. Now comes the healing part. Lifting her up in my prayers today. Your friend, Linda @Crafts a la mode

    Also thank you for letting me be a part of your very lovely and successful Thursday Favorite Things Party.

  2. I’m so pleased to hear that your daughter is on the road to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are coming your way from across the pond. x

  3. Sending prayers for your daughter, for you and all your family. So thankful that her surgery is over. You are a strong Mother. God bless.

  4. Oh Katherine, I am so sorry to hear about your family pain. I can imagine what you must’ve gone through as our daughter had a rare and aggressive breast cancer and went through it all–radiation, chemotherapy, mastectomy, reconstruction, and on. She’s come out the other end, scarred but thankful to be alive. As you know, it’s not something a mother expects. To have a child whom you’ve nurtured go through that tunnel of fear, not knowing the outcome, is a nightmare. My heart goes out to your daughter, her family and to you and those who rallied around her. Love and prayers for you all.

  5. Katherine, You wrote this from a mother’s heart who has so much love for her children. I’m so happy she made it through the surgery, but I’ll definitely keep her in my prayers for a full recovery and peace for you and your family.

  6. Katherine we are very happy that your daughter is on the road to recovery. No matter the age of a loved one or how minor the problem you still worry until all is normal. Continued prayers for your daughter and the family.
    God Bless
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  7. Katherine, your daughter and you are both in my prayers. You never stop being a mother no matter how old your children are. Praying that your daughter has a speedy recovery.

  8. Wishing her a full and speedy recovery. It sounds scary. I have had my own experiences with worrying over the health of adult daughters. Mother is definitely a “lifelong job,” and it is so hard to stand by and watch problems we cannot solve. Love to you all!

  9. It was two years this past April that my 36 year old (at the time) daughter had brain tumor surgery. She had a stroke during recovery and then emergency surgery to take a piece of skull off to allow her brain to swell. After lots of therapy and prayers, she is now doing great! I know exactly what you are feeling right now. It gets better one day at a time. Prayers for your daughter and you!

  10. Good news, it’s been a stressful time for you and you’ve demonstrated tremendous faith. Keeping your family in my prayers.

  11. Katie,
    What a difficult time for you and your family. You are so right, mothers just do. Thank God for his blessing on your daughter and your family. I can’t imagine what you have been going through but so glad that the fog has lifted. I will still keep you in my prayers and know that we are here for you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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