Gingerbread TFT Link Party

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  1. Hey Katherine! My posts are #149 and #150. I too was having trouble with the WordPress Gutenberg editor. If you haven’t already figured it out, the simple way to embed a link in a picture (I was placing Y’all’s, and some other link parties’ Linky buttons in my posts), just copy the link, and paste it to the picture in your edit page. Sigh* It only took me 5 hours to figure it out. Lol. I hope this helps someone out there.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi, Katherine. Still can’t get to Butter, Basil and Breadcrumbs Facebook page. Anyone else have same experience?

  3. Thank you so much for hosting again this week. You always do so much for bloggers! Have a relaxing week! I am off to see some posts. Looks like a lot of inspiration tonight.

  4. Katie, thank you so much and you just made my Thursday morning that much brighter. So excited to have won and cannot thank you enough. So much love and hugs my friend. Also, want to wish you and your family a very, Merry Christmas. As always, happy though to join in for this current week’s party!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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