the day after Christmas

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  1. A beautiful post indeed. I’m not real keen on the day after Christmas shopping either. This year, we actually took down our decorations. I am ready to get on with next year. I have plans for my life, my family, my marriage, my finances, my blog, my business and I am ready to get it started. I hope your visit with your nephew and his new bride are all you envision it to be. And I am praying for them to have traveling mercies. Happy New Year.

  2. Happy Day After Christmas to you, Katherine!!! We enjoyed a nice restful day with lots of cooking which is always a bit fun and challenging living in a trailer, no matter how large. Our daughter drove up early in the morning and is happily staying until Friday ~ a nice vacation for her and a long visit we are happy to have! <3

    Thank you for sharing today ~ I decided to take a few days off to be able to relax, continue house hunting, and read a good book. Share Your Style is up if you'd like to stop by. 🙂 p.s. Shared your post to my French Ethereal FB page and explained that you had two G/C giveaways up. <3

    Hugs and blessings to you,
    Barb 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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