6 chicken pot pies to comfort you

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  1. Katherine, I’m sorry you are under the weather, as they say. What does that actually mean?? Anyway, being sick is no fun at all. So far I’ve managed to stay fairly well this fall and winter. I’m crossing my fingers, though. I even go around the house with a cloth dampened with bleach to wipe doorknobs and faucet handles, etc.! I was so sick back in the spring for several weeks and I don’t want a repeat of that scenario. I hope you feel much better really soon. And what a good hubby you have to bring you meals in bed. A keeper, for sure!

    Take care and get well soon!

  2. Sorry you caught the bug – just about everyone I know has had it and are recuperating – or are sick at this time. I cannot even believe I have escaped it this year- I catch EVERYTHING! Hope you get better soon.

    Ah – chicken pot pie is most definately a comfort food, yum = and this cold weather has me wanting to make it now!

    My FAV recipe is Paula Deen’s with puff pastry. I ate it in Savannah and her eatery there and had to have the recipe. It is to DIE for yummy.

    Thanks for the inspiration! Get Well Soon!

  3. I am so very sorry you are sick. This time of year I really hate needing to go out at all!! Everyone seems to be sick and I don’t want it nor do I want to give it to my 97 year old father that I care for!!! Praying for you!!!

  4. Katie,
    I had that bug and it is no fun. I hope you are feeling better soon. Make sure to keep your liquids up.
    Enjoy that comfort food.

  5. What a crummy party favor from your treatment! I am glad you are getting an appetite back. If I lived close I would totally make you some pot pie. Praying that you are feeling much better soon!

  6. Thank you for sharing your chicken pot pie recipe. So sorry you are not well at the moment but prayers are out your way for a speedy recovery. Hugs, Gayle

  7. I’m so sorry you are still feeling under the weather. Sounds like you’ve been enjoying some delicious comfort food, I love Chicken Pot Pie! Feel better soon!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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