face cover face mask free pattern

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  1. The pipe cleaner is genius! Thanks for the pattern, I’ve been wanting to sew some and finally getting around to it!

  2. I love your blog. thank you for the face mask template, Im not a sewer but im gonna try this one as they are so necessary right now. we pray every night at 8 pm for the pandemic so we do that already but will continue to do such as I cannot wait to start hugging people again

  3. That kind of mask shows others you care enough to protect them, as it’s more for others than the one who wears it.
    My wife and I are blessed that we had N95 masks from when we planned to paint and sand. We are doing all we can to keep us and others safe.

  4. Thank you so much for your sweet thoughtfulness, Katherine! My sewing machine and box of fabric are tucked away in a closet. I hope I can remember how to use the sewing machine! This is a good way to get me back into sewing!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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