How to Clean a Lamp Shade
Hello friends, changing the lamp shades on your lamps is a great way to refresh your current home décor. You will find a wide range of styles to choose from. Remember you don’t need to have identical lamps. But you will want a consistent design. Choosing lamp shades that relate to one another in color and / or materials is the easiest way to do it. Okay, you have great lamps and lamp shades. Here are a few tips on how to clean a lamp shade.

Always remove the shade from your lamp before cleaning!
For Fabric or Silk Shades
Use a microfiber cloth or a lamp shade sponge. Using a sticky lint-roller is a quick and easy way to remove dust from your lamp shade too. If your vacuum has a soft brush attachment, use it! It works well (make sure the attachment brush is clean) for draperies and lamp shades. Use a light touch on your lamp shades.
For paper or parchment lamp shades
A microfiber cloth, soft crumb brush or canned air will do the trick.
For plastic lamp shades.
Use a soft cloth ( an old t-shirt cut into squares is a great soft cloth) and warm water with a mild dish detergent (Ivory is a good one) Gently wipe clean, then let the lamp shades air dry.
How to pick a lamp shade
According to the fine people at Lamps Plus “A new shade can make a lamp look classy or simple, bigger or smaller, change it from traditional to contemporary, and add just the right amount of drama, flair or elegance.”

Great tips, Katherine! I always neglect cleaning my shades. I usually just vacuum them, but now I think I need a lampshade sponge! I didn’t know about those. Buying lamp shades is always confusing for me, so that video is great! xo