make your own cleaning supplies naturally

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  1. Great tips Katherine!

    I have chemical allergies so I use these products to clean all the time. I’ve never tried the ‘creamy scrub’ before ~ but I sure will!!

    xo Catherine

  2. Thank you so much for this list! I am forwarding this link to my mom. She uses baking soda and vinegar (not together!) for everything… good to know she can use other things too! 😉

  3. Visiting from Java’s. Great blog! Thanks for the tips. We have those old storm windows and I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never cleaned some of them–in the 5 years we’ve lived here. Some are too high and others are just too hard to get to. I keep hoping that if they get dirty enough, my husband will finally agree to get new tilt-in ones!

  4. I love making my own cleaners! It saves so much money and is environmentally friendly – win/win!

    Thank you for visiting my blog.



  5. Great tips! I think I found you on the blog hop too, I just love finding new awesome blogs. We’re huge fans of Simple Green in our house for everything because it’s safer than so many other chemicals. It’s really good to see a whole list of alternatives! Thank you!

  6. Thanks for sharing these recipes Katherine!
    I’ve used baking soda & vinegar before for some cleaning, works great!
    I’m going to try the creamy scrub, my shower need a good scrubbing!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Thanks for these great cleaning solution recipes and for your kind comment and visit to my blog. Hope you have a terrific weekend. xx Happy Mother’s Day

  8. Congrats on the #2 spot over at Java’s!! 🙂 Love this post, I did one like it a while back about my grandmothers cupboard, no fancy cleaning supplies there. My favorite that she did was to let her sponge soak in salt water over night, it never got that stale smell and was always clean. She never used soap in her window mix so I will have to try this, sounds like it would work even better. Thanks so much for the great info! I am a new follower now and look forward to reading more great stuff. Have a great weekend!!

  9. OOOOH….I just love this. Never tried any of these and like you, I need to do some spring cleaning. Seems like a good opportunity to give some of these tips a try! Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend! Love the new button by the way.

  10. I’ve just barely gotten started with my spring cleaning. Lol. But I do love to use natural cleansers…other than it being good for the planet, it’s healthier for my family and kinder on my sinuses! Have a great weekend, Katherine!:)

  11. Excellent tips! I haven’t started mine yet… As much as I love it when it’s all done, I dread the whole spring cleaning thing. These cleansers might just make it a tad more tolerable. I bet the house would smell really fresh and clean too, especially if you use the lemon juice!

    I’m following from Java’s hop. I’d love to have you stop by and say hello sometime. Have an amazing weekend!

    ~Mrs B

  12. Some really good housekeeping tips there Katherine about using natural products. I always try to do this as much as I can. I suffer from skin problems, and I’m sure all these chemicals in everything do us no good whatsoever. Have a good weekend!

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