words to inspire action

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  1. I’ve had weeks like that when other things just get in the way and this week was definitely that for me, too! So, totally understand the laundry pile, LOL! My daily word is intention and so I try to set an intention (or more than one) for every day to keep me focused. I guess those intentions would be my call to action. I will think about your ideas of building, listening, laughter and benevolence as I consider intentions.

  2. Beautiful words Katherine! I love your thoughtful posts – always something to restore my faith in humanity! Happy Weekend!

  3. What a crazy week!!! I am doing laundry too and wrestling the tree in its box again. I decorated my dining room with white, old silver, some bleached conch shells, pink and aqua for the S. FL winter. The roosters returned to the kitchen too. the seasons are turning and we already see a longer day down here. Stay well and safe.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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