super bowl food and TFT

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  1. Thank you for featuring our Snickerdoodle Cake with Churro Toffee, and for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #189, #190, & #191. Enjoy the Superbowl!

  2. Hi, Katherine, I love your Super Bowl food theme; thank you so much for hosting, and especially for including my Meatballs in Chipotle Sauce amongst your features! This week I am sharing #134 Sweet Tamales. Have an awesome week!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with WHY DO JEANS HAVE RIVETS? Check out my 3 current link parties if you’d like more views and shares for your posts 🙂

  4. Katherine,
    My link ups are 25, 28 and 32 for this week!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!! I know how much work and time it takes to host and then to visit each post. It truly is appreciated!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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