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  1. It was a wonderful Christmas. People, old and young, rich or poor, in our town seemed so kind and patient. It wasn’t about gifts, even though there were gifts. It was about caring about someone else. Jesus can reveal Himself in any way. I am so glad people shared him at this wonderful season. It made this year seem so special.
    I enjoy your blog Katherine. Thank you for sharing Jesus all year long.

    1. Thank you Kathy.I hope you had a day filled with happy. God’s love surrounds us and His blessings are celebrated all year long, and I totally agree Christmas seemed extra special this year, I felt it too. Thank you for your lovely comment. Wishing you a happy healthy 2022. Hugs!

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a lovely Christmas too. It would have been glorious. Look at the night sky and see what He created for us. Twinkling stars to remind us of His love . Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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