Happy Tears
Hello friends, I spent the morning crying, seriously, but they were happy tears. I was looking through photo albums and I was soon overwhelmed with memories. I just sat and reminisced and cried as I picked through the photos. Where has the time gone? It’s my daughter Tiffany’s birthday today, she was born May 18th 1980. I’ve shared in the past that Mt. St. Helens erupted on her birthday and we had quite an adventure that day. You can read about it HERE ( smile).

Unfortunately she has a terrible head cold and we are postponing the birthday get together until she’s feeling better. I told her she would be postponing turning 42 too ( laugh).
When she was young she was a busy bee. There were a lot of recitals- dance, violin, choir. Activities-gymnastics, softball games, sleepovers and many many more happy memory making activities.

She is a mother of five amazing people and a friend to many. She is married to the chief of police ( in a town nearby) and she is also a very successful business owner. I’m very proud of her and all she has accomplished and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

I used to sing you are my sunshine to her when she was young ( I still do it now) . I hope you will enjoy this free printable. I love creating free printables for you. I only ask that you do not claim them as your own, or sell them. Please feel free to pin them ( smile). My watermark isn’t on the printable (smile)
Happy birthday punk’n you are my sunshine!
Feel free to leave her a birthday message in the comments I know she’d love it.
I look forward to having you join us tomorrow for the TFT blog hop.
Awww, your photos down memory lane of your daughter are so sweet. Love the one that she’s dressed up like a bunny.
Hello Katherine, I too, have a 42 year old Son, a very good man he has become. I have a daughter, 53, who still lives with me, she has Prader-Willi Syndrome. I am a very blessed Mom. I look back on those years that have rushed by and wonder how and where they went. But I have so many memories to cherish. I started reading your blog about a year ago and have enjoyed it very much. I find great peace when reading any articles/stories you write. Keep it going!
Hello Peggy, thank you so much for being a subscriber to Katherines Corner. Your comment went straight to my heart. Thank you for sharing with me. I know what they mean when they say time flies. Every once in a while I catch myself thinking she is still my little girl.Your son and daughter sound like blessings in deed. Sending hugs your way, Katherine
Happy birthday to your daughter! What a day to be born on. Very memorable indeed.
Happy Birthday to your beautiful Tiffany! I love her name and hope she has a wonderful year ahead!!
Aw, happy birthday to your daughter! What sweet photos those are. xo
What wonderful memories for you, Katherine. Happy Birthday to your daughter, Tiffany! She is lovely. Hugs xxoo
Happiest of Birthdays! Feel better soon so you can celebrate with mom & everyone! XO- MaryJo