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  1. Thank you for hosting! Prayers for your mom. I pray that she gets to get back to being more of her outdoorsy self! Feel free to come by & share your link party & other posts on Crafty Creators Link Party (Thurs.-Mon.). We’d love to have you!
    Niki | Life as a LEO Wife

  2. Great features, and lots of wonderful links today Katherine! Thanks as always for hosting (I’m at #160,) and I hope your mom is doing ok after her surgery. I’ve been thinking about both of you. Happy First of September!

  3. Katherine, wishing your mom a speedy and successful recovery! We’ve been out of the country and I’m sorry I didn’t realize about your mom sooner. Sharing the Ireland vacation #85, 86-87 a back to school table setting, and modern wreath made on a fabulous artificial twig base.

  4. Katherine, I’m so glad your mother is recovering from surgery. God’s healing and comfort on her! Thank you so much for featuring my daughter’s bedroom. We (grandma, daughter and grand-daughter) had such a good time painting it together. Hope you try it in your bathroom!

  5. Katherine,
    Good to hear your Mom is home and recovering…Sending prayers she does well in her recovery and has a better quality of life after this!
    My Link Ups are Numbers 22 and 24!
    Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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