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  1. Oh, this is beautiful! Blue is my favorite color, so this spoke to me. And I am so sorry I have missed participating the last two times (first because I was on crutched and then I started a new job), but now that I am in a rhythm, I look forward to participating in others.

  2. I love your vignetter, Katherine! And, I agree, tea does taste best in a pretty teacup! Your photos are so pretty and soothing. I feel like I’m there having tea with you. xo

  3. Can’t believe it’s March already, and wish you a Happy one. Fabulous looking features and so many interesting looking posts at Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop to choose from. My shares this week are #34, 35, and 37. Enjoy. Warm regards, Nancy Andres at Colors 4 Health

  4. Katherine, I love the vintage charm on your tea tray. The pearl necklace and using charters was such a great idea. Thank you for having me on your hop! Have a great week.- Meagan

  5. Hi Katherine, the Haviland china with the solid blue teapot is lovely. Lovely to include some gorgeous flowers as well. Tea is such a relaxing event and allows you to converse with friends or have a quiet moment. Thanks for organizing the “hop”.

  6. Your tray is just beautiful as always Katherine. I love that you have a box of notes and use them too! There is nothing like a handwritten “thinking of you” note from a treasured friend. A text on the phone just doesn’t cut it sometimes! Thanks so much for taking the time to put together such a fun tour once again. So appreciated! Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thank you so much Denise. I do love finding and sending pretty note cards for that very reason. I agree texting just isn’t the same. Thank you for joining in the fun. Hugs!

  7. That is a cute teapot. I clicked over to see the cost. Very reasonable. I could use the yellow to go with my home, but the pale blue is also pretty, especially the way you added the flowers.
    Thanks for pulling together another fun tray hop. It has helped me keep busy, and not be so sad.

    1. Hi Rachelle, thank you! How kind of you to click over to the teapot. Yellow is a wonderful color. I’m so happy you found comfort in time spent creating your lovely tray. I send love and prayers your way. xo

  8. Hello Katherine- I love your tray and those Haviland dishes are beautiful. Your daughter is lucky to get them some day. The strand of pearls is also the perfect accent. Thank you so much for organizing this fun tour friend. It’s always so much fun. XO- MaryJo

  9. Katherine, first off, thank you for organizing and hosting this blog hop. It’s always fun to join in one of these group hops.
    Tea time is special anytime and your setting is so inviting. I love handwritten notes as well. Good idea to pour a cup of tea and write to some friends. I think I will do just that!

    1. Thank you Sarah and Thank you for joining in the fun. I’m happy you were inspired and I hope you enjoyed tea and writing to your loved ones. Hugs!

  10. Katherine, Thank you so much once again for hosting this fun blog tour! Your china is beautiful! I am sure someday your daughter will have fond memories of you using it when styling a lovely tea tray or setting a table! That necklace is something! What a great find! Enjoy a quiet cup of tea today!!

  11. Your tea vignette is lovely Katherine, I love the pearls! The teacups are so pretty and so special! Enjoy your tea time and thank you for hosting these fun tray tours!

  12. Katherine,
    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful Blogging event!! I love your pretty tea cups and your chargers are to die for!! So dainty and elegant looking!! Your Tea presentation screams Spring!! How delightful as we finally got some snow last night here in NEPA! Thanks so much for sharing and for hosting!! Looking forward already for the next Tray Tour!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    1. Thank you so much. We have plenty of snow here too. But, I’ll let yo uin on a little secret, I love it!Thank you for joining in the fun. Hugs!!

  13. So pretty and I love the dishes. Sorry I was unable to take part this time. Now we are at the end of health puppy issues. It’s been a crazy start to 2023 but it’s getting better.

    I’ll join next hop!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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