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  1. Aw, I’m glad Izzy has such wonderful care. Technology is amazing, and you are such good dog parents! We always kept a sweater or t-shirt on Sunny, especially in her senior years because she was always so cold. Izzy looks adorable in his t-shirts! xo

    1. Thank you my sweet friend. I remember well the sadness Sunny’s illness and passing. We love them so much they are so precious. You were an amazing mom to Sunny. xo

    1. Thank you so much, we still don’t have his insulin just right yet. But we’re all hanging in there until he is back to his old self again. We miss play time. Hugs!

  2. I hope all works out for beautiful Izzy. As a human diabetic the Lives is a God send. Will get changed every 2 weeks ? Wishing you both all the best.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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