candy corn and TFT Party

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  1. Some great features, especially with Halloween next week! Candy corn vodka? Who knew! I am not a drinker (only a glass wine in the evening), but this sounds interesting.

    I am at 160 and 161. Hope you have a wonderful week 🙂

  2. I do not like candy corn at all but my middle son just loves it! He has plans to cook up come candy corn blondies with white chocolate chips.

  3. I honestly don’t know how I feel about candy corn. I like it in theory, and I want to like it, but at the end of the day I don’t know if I actually like it. My husband loves it though and he eats it by the handful!

  4. Ha – what a fun theme! Nothing says Halloween quite like candy corn! 🙂 I’ve linked up this week at #100, #114, & #116. Thanks so much for hosting – this is such a great party! Happy Thursday!

  5. Good morning, Katherine! Omg, the candy corn vodka has me chuckling this morning and the candy corn bark is adorable…thanks for hosting and spotlighting these posts. I haven’t checked the fat content of candy corn so I don’t know if I can’t eat it, but no need to since I hate it! Like eating candles for me. 🙂 October is looking so beautiful here as the trees turn and the temperatures are mild. The air outside smells like a comforting bonfire…yum. I’m sharing the easiest cheesy appetizers at #12 and #17 as well as motivation to get crafting at #21. Hope you like. Thanks gathering so many creative souls in one place where inspiration blooms. xox

Love each other as God loves you xo

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