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  1. OH ,I love this sweet post. Lucky you!! I hope your weekend is awesome also. Thanks for your sweet comment.
    Many Hugs, Anne

  2. Aww thankyou for hopping over to my blog!! Much appreciated! I am now following you, and loved reading about your and your hubby’s relationship – so sweet! Look forward to reading more on your site.

    Thanks again! Cat

  3. A happy anniversary to you both and many more. 34 years for my sweetie and me. We were married at 6:45 am in a shelter house along the banks of a river with knee deep snow outside and a roaring fire inside. We wanted to get married at dawn – a start of a new day and a new life : D Congratulations you two !

  4. Great post and pictures! New follower from the hop! I’d love it if you could stop by and follow back and I’d also love to invite you to link up to our Super Stalker Sunday hop! It’s live now so you can get a great spot if you add your blog early! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

    April @ Mama on a Green Mission

  5. My split half is my eternal love Bill. We have been married for 24 years. We recently renewed our vows in Ireland last month.
    No other person I would rather spend the rest of my life with in this world.

    Happy Anniversary to you! A blessing to still be in love and married for so long.

    I am glad I stopped by your blog from Follow Friday’s -Java’s blog.

  6. Congratulations to both of you. Really nice post, I love this part “He is my hearts song. I am grateful for our love” its sounds that a Verlaine’s poetry.

    I’m following you from the SSR blog hop, wish you’ll stop by my blog sometime too sometimes !

    have a great week-end both of you

  7. Katie, what a great tribute. That’s probably why we are good friends. We have the same thoughts often. My John is my other part of my heart. Thanks for the smile I wear on my face this morning.

  8. Congrats! Sweet post.

    We had our anniversary 2 weeks ago, too. It’s one of the best time of the year for me.

  9. Happy anniversary to you both. This was a lovely warm post dedicated to your dear hubby. You are very fortunate to have found your soul mate my friend.

  10. Awwww! He sounds wonderful…My ‘Boo’ is 6 foot 1, has a wonderful sense of humor, and a need to please ME! And after 33 plus years together…enough said!! 🙂 Have a good day!

  11. Awww… What a sweet post. I found my split apart too, so I know what you mean. Bob sounds a lot like my hubby. A quiet man who it might take people a little effort to get to know, but once they do, they’re hooked! Hubs and I have been together for almost 30 years and I swear it doesn’t seem possible that it’s been that long. We love the coast too. (But for us it’s your hubby’s birthplace – Maine!)

    Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and that you have many, many more beautiful anniversaries to come!

    ~Mrs B

Love each other as God loves you xo

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