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  1. Pingback: Part 3: Operation Outdoor Spruce Up – The Deck | Rubys N Purls
  2. Hey, Katie!! Can you believe I am celebrating my 1st year @ Shoestring Elegance!! Thank you….Thank you….Thank you for all your lovely comments, inspiration, “Bloggy Friendship” and support..
    Many Blessing to you, my dear!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Pingback: Flipping Decor Up Down and Out
  4. Thanks, Katie, for the party again this week! Hope you have a great weekend. Come and link up with What to do Weekends, too, and any of your followers. Best wishes, Linda

  5. Hi Katherine,

    Thanks for hosting your wonderful party! I have linked up a recipe for Cinco de Mayo for you.

    PS: in your post you asked for those interested in being a co-host for one of your blog hops . . . I would be honored to do so with you, so please place me on your waiting list of fellow bloggers! I used to host a blog hop on Fridays and Saturdays, but my work prevented me from continuing, so I am very familiar with hosting blog hop parties! Just let me know if I qualify!

    All the best,

  6. Pingback: WITNESS | Teshuva
  7. goodness there is alot of blogs linking up,Favorite Things blog hop has really gotten popular,love these creative bloggers.
    Jo @ LoblollyLane

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  9. Build your own wind tower — that sounds like the ultimate DIY project. Unfortunately, it’s still in the future, but the book, the Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, is an inspiring story of a young man in Malawi, Africa, who did build his own wind tower.

    Wind Power — by and for Small Ordinary People (#216) is my article this week, a review of a book that is well worth spending several hours in the hammock with.

  10. Katherine,
    I tried to follow Sharon on Facebook but it was blocked somehow. ?
    Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Gloria @

  11. Pingback: 16 Fun and Healthy Date Ideas | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
  12. Happy Thursday and it’s nice to come visit again this week! Thanks for hosting!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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