Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 85

Its time for Thursday Favorite Things! I’m happy to have Sharon from Educate With Toys as my co host this week.
The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog and make bloggy friends too!
Remember to leave me a comment if you are a new follower so I can follow you back
Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few: Please DO NOT link and run…visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing at the hop.
- Follow Katherines Corner preferably through Email it’s on my right sidebar (or facebook, twitter, bloglovin, etc. they are on my sidebar too) And My Co Host Sharon
- Visit as many blogs in the list as you can, please leave a comment so they know you stopped by!
- Share the button or a linklback on your post. Grab the hop button code from The button page It’s always nice to have the hop button on your post. It IS NOT mandatory; but a Link back to Katherines Corner is always appreciated
- No adult content blogs or links directly to your shops please
- Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page too!
Please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
I do my best to visit all of you. But if I miss you please forgive me and I hope you understand. Please know how much I enjoy hosting this party for you and having you share all of your wonderful posts.
Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code.
Sorry, I no longer automatically add you to the reminder list. If you would like a reminder please just fill in your email and click enter in the form below this is used for reminders only
Hey, Katie!! Can you believe I am celebrating my 1st year @ Shoestring Elegance!! Thank you….Thank you….Thank you for all your lovely comments, inspiration, “Bloggy Friendship” and support..
Many Blessing to you, my dear!! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!
Thanks, Katie, for the party again this week! Hope you have a great weekend. Come and link up with What to do Weekends, too, and any of your followers. Best wishes, Linda
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for hosting your wonderful party! I have linked up a recipe for Cinco de Mayo for you.
PS: in your post you asked for those interested in being a co-host for one of your blog hops . . . I would be honored to do so with you, so please place me on your waiting list of fellow bloggers! I used to host a blog hop on Fridays and Saturdays, but my work prevented me from continuing, so I am very familiar with hosting blog hop parties! Just let me know if I qualify!
All the best,
Thanks again for hosting, y’all!
Hi there! Thanks so much for letting us all participate!
Renaissance Faire Highlights!
Thanks for hosting! See you again soon!
Thanks a lot again Katie for hosting!
Have a super blessed day!
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! =)
Hi! Thanks for the great party! Will visit as many peeps as possible – looks like you have an amazing group.
Best wishes! Sharon and Denise
goodness there is alot of blogs linking up,Favorite Things blog hop has really gotten popular,love these creative bloggers.
Jo @ LoblollyLane
Thank you so much for hosting the party!
xo! Vanessa
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Wow your blog hop is getting huge! So many fun new people! Happy Thursday!
XO Chelsea
Build your own wind tower — that sounds like the ultimate DIY project. Unfortunately, it’s still in the future, but the book, the Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, is an inspiring story of a young man in Malawi, Africa, who did build his own wind tower.
Wind Power — by and for Small Ordinary People (#216) is my article this week, a review of a book that is well worth spending several hours in the hammock with.
We just love your parties!! Thanks so much for hosting. Have a great week. We hope you’ll stop by our new sister site and leave a recipe – -The Six Sisters
Thanks for hosting!
Have a great week!
Melissa =)
Hi Katherine,
Thank you for hostessing this blog party.
Yael from Home Garden Diggers
I love the hop! Happy Thursday everyone! xx
I tried to follow Sharon on Facebook but it was blocked somehow. ?
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Gloria @
Thanks so much for hosting the party!! You are great! I appreciate all the extra work you put in for these!
Happy Thursday! I cannot wait to start posting more about my garden (but I need the weather to warm up and I need to buy the plants).
I am a new follower! Thanks for the linking opportunity!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine….Christine
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Happy Thursday and it’s nice to come visit again this week! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting sweet Katherine. It’s always a pleasure
Have a perfect Thursday. xxoo
Thanks for inviting all of us to the party, Katie!! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!
Thanks for another great party! Glad to joining in this week. Have a lovely week!
Hi Katherine and Sharon,
Thank you so much for hosting a beautiful party.
Hi, Katherine, thanks for hosting again. Have a good day. Tina
Hi! Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a wonderful day.
Hi Katie and Sharon, Looks like a terrific party this week, too. Thanks for preparing it for all of us.
Hi Katherine!
Thank you for hosting, looove this party!
I am linking projects I made for my newborn little niece.
Have a nice day!
Thanks so much for hosting again! Have a great day!
Thanks for hosting this weekly party. Have a great Thursday!
Happy Thursday, sweetie!
Thanks for hosting another wonderful party! Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for hosting again!
Thanks so much for hosting each week. XO, Pinky
Thank you as always for hosting Katherine! Aloha, Lori
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine ~ have a wonderful week!
Mary Beth
Thanks for hosting & have a great week!!
Happy Day Katherine!!
Thanks for hosting :)) Loooove this party :))
Hope things are warming up in your neck of the woods, Katie!
Hoping to see everyone for a Laugh out Loud TeaTime :))
Kettle’s on…
Thanks for hosting Katie! Have a wonderful Thursday!
Thanks as always for hosting Katherine and Happy almost Thursday!!