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  3. from – I am new to your Party!! And I LOVE it! Thank you for hosting. There are many great ideas and new blogs to follow. I would love for you to link up to and our Thursday Linky Party – Fantastic Thursday (Hint – goes live Wednesday night at 10pm MST!) .fivelittlechefs

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  6. Hi Katherine!
    Linking up again this week. Love this hop and your page! Following you via Bloglovin’ and thank you for the email reminder option!

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  9. Hi Katherine! Back in Blogland and now that all my big projects over the past five months are at a close I’m looking forward to posting more regularly! One of my favorite things to do, you know. Also a favorite thing is what has been taking a great deal of my time these past few months – writing, directing, and performing in a play with our drama ministry theatre group – WOW – quite a production and all my dear ones in Blogland can watch it LIVE ONLINE! I’ve provided the link – sure hope you can tune in one of the nights this week! Be seeing more of me now that I’m getting on the other side of “too busy to blog”.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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