lilacs thursday favorite things blog hop

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  3. Hi there Katherine! I just adore your page and want to thank you for sharing my nibbles!!! Wishing you a lovely Mother’s Day!

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  5. Wow! your lilacs look absolutely gorgeous and I bet you are enjoying their heavenly fragrance! Thanks for the party, Katherine!~hugs, Poppy

  6. So excited about joining in today! Thank you for hosting, looks like it’s a grand party full of awesome features.

  7. Hi Katie! Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers and your photos are gorgeous! Thank you so much to you and the ladies for hosting the party. Have a wonderful day!

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  10. Lilacs are one of my most favorite flowers and such a childhood memory for me. Gorgeous! Thanks for hosting!!!

  11. OMG! I love lilacs they smell unbelievable. I am so jealous….I wish they would grow here. We have a Mountain Laurel tree that looks like Lilac but no smell. Enjoy the season! Thanks for the party.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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