gingerbread loaf

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  1. Stopping by to say Merry Christmas! I hope you and your family have a wonderful one! Also, I tried out this recipe yesterday and it was fabulous! I wanted to make something like this, and glancing down the ingredients list I happened to have all of them on hand (minus the puree'd prunes which I substituted with applesauce). Also added fresh ginger, purple raisins, and topped with crushed almonds. It turned out amazing, thanks for sharing!

  2. Wish I could reach through the screen and snatch a bite…Merry Christmas Kate. I pray your New Year will be filled with blessings and creatve thoughts.Dee

  3. oooh, yummy. I'm not a baker and think if I could have a taste I just might lick the screen. LOL Sounds way better than fruit cake. Do folks even eat that anymore??

    Wanted to invite you over to my blog, I posted my Christmas posting. Hope you'll pop over to have a look 🙂

  4. mmm…I love anything with the name of "gingerbread". It always tastes so delicious with the holidays. Thanks for sharing!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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