dishwasher duty

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  1. Nice tips. And you have a really good system for meals. It's not fair for one person to do it all!

    -Let's Get Beyond Tolerance

  2. Oh, that we had a dishwasher! If you want to explain to my husband the order of hand-washing dishes, that'd be great! I've given up completely.

  3. Thanks for all the dishwashing tips…I'll turn on the hot warter first from now on!!
    PS…we have the same taste in music!! I love smooth jazz!! My favorite radio station that featured it (and now I have nothing to listen to…)just changed to Country…boo!

  4. I hadn't thought about that info with the platters. Some very valuable tips here. Thanks!


    Sheila 🙂

  5. Those are some great tips. I have one more: NEVER and I say again…NEVER try to add dishwashing liquid to the dishwater. You will end up with a puddle of bubbles all over your floor and think that your dishwater may be broken. {Don't ask me how I know this for sure! LOL}

  6. Great advice but unfortunately I have to do it the old fashioned way in the sink. Always good to see a post from you. Have a wonderful thursday.

  7. Thanks! I'm always in such a hurry and sometimes don't follow all those rules and results show..dirty dishes. Thanks for the reminder.

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