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  1. What a great idea. I think I’ll present this to the lady in charge of Children’s Church, they can make the birds a Christmas gift 🙂

  2. I am a big bird enthusiast so you must know how happy I am to see this Katie. I hope you get visits from several birds. Can you see the red cardinal in your area? I think a red cardinal amidst the snow is a beautiful sight! I have seen this on cards and pictures from relatives in the U.S.A. Of course I have several figurines of the cardinal in my bird figurine collection!:) Take care.

  3. This is an adorable idea….I think I’ll make these for my MIL, since she can’t get out much in the bad weather, she’d be able to enjoy watching the birds!

  4. Hi Katherine,
    What a cute idea.
    Its been in the 60s and 50s here, cold at night but the days are sunny and the birds are loving it. Singing like crazy!
    I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend .

  5. Oh, I love that!

    I’d love to co-host sometime…just let me know! Also, I did add my blog(s) to your list:) Thank you for offering that1

Love each other as God loves you xo

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