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  1. My friend Kathy has a cookie exchange party every year, which is one of my favorite parties. She lets everyone bring as many as they want. You just go home with the same number you brought. I always make fudge.

  2. It’s been a couple years since I’ve been to one but these are a blast and a half!!!

    That cookie photo is simply magnificent sweetie!!! I adore that little tea towel. I’m quite smitten…watch your back girl! Heeehehhehe!!!

    God bless ya and have a most beautiful day sweetie!

    BTW: Giveaway…my place…ya’ll come. Heck, I’ll even leave the light on and put out a platter of my fudge! :o)

  3. ooooooh, a cookie swap, that sounds lovely!!!! i have yet to attend one – always so busy with the children. it’s always during the holidays that hubby ends up working so much! one day… and when it happens, i will have your list on hand! thank you, katherine!!!!! have a great day! 🙂

  4. I’ve never been to a cookie swap but it certainly does sound like a fantastic way to experience different types of cookies and maybe get some awesome recipes to boot! Happy Tuesday my friend, xo

  5. I have never hosted one. I’ve never been to one either. I was just reading about one on another blog, and now here so I wish that I had jumped on that at the beginning of the season.

  6. I’ve never done a cookie swap before, but it sounds like a wonderful idea! I love it. Happy holidays to you!

  7. Love your blog, the header is awesome! I’ve never been to a cookie swap, but I was invited to one. Had my cookies all ready, was very excited … and a huge snowstorm swept through the area and closed most roads … sigh, the cookie swap was cancelled. It sounds like so much fun, hope there’s another one someday.

  8. Although I am trying to stay away from cookies at the moment it does seem like a fun event to plan. Both Linda & I like to bake. What better reason to get together than great food.

  9. LOVE this post and who wouldn’t love cookies and then wine and cheese…just put me in heaven : )LOL!!!!! thank you for sharing this with us — EXCELLENT idea!!!! hugs…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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