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  1. Hello I’m still making my Pink Saturday visits. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment about my precious Molly. Your pink post is adorable this week!
    Have a great week! Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  2. Such a cute pink bird! 😀 I had so many comments about the cute Santa salt & pepper shakers I won in your Christmas giveaway….I am planning on a little Santa-themed table for next Christmas!

    Ricki Jill

  3. Hi Katherine,
    What pretty pinks. There’s nothing like a sweet friend. What fun to get a sweet tweet in the mail from one. Glad you found me and entered my give away. I am now following you. Going to check out your give away also. Looks like a cute one. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. hello Katherine. Friends are Forever and so nice to get a little gift from them from time to time. The little birdie is delightful.

    Thank you so much for your visit and nice comment. x jeanetteann

  5. Hi pinkie! Good to see you here! That was sweet of you to visit me! I love all your darling pinks! It is fun to visit new places. I hope you enjoy your weekend! Hugs Anne

  6. Aahh…. What a sweet little bird with such an inspiring message~ “Believe.” We really all should look within ourselves and trust that we can do what we set our minds to. 🙂

  7. Hi Katherine! Thanks for stopping by and visiting me so I could find your lovely blog! The pink bird is adorable and I will definitely enter your pink poodle giveaway! I also discovered you have a book group as well. One of my favorite pastimes!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. How sweet and thoughtful of Andrea to send that adorable sweet pink bird! (I really love birds, but you may have known that, haha.)

    And such a sweet post – you are right……it is absolutely amazing to me the “warm and fuzzies” we can give one another sharing and linking up, encouraging and supporting one another.

    It is a true blessing.

    I may be new to blogging, but love it a lot already!

    Thank you so much for visiting me, so I could find you!

    Have a blessed day, Katherine!

  9. Hi Katherine! Thanks for the invite. I’m now registered for the pink poodle.
    I’m so glad you stopped by and are now a friend. You have a delightful Blog.
    Now that we know where we are in Blogland, let’s not be strangers!

  10. Hi Katherine,
    I’m so glad you stopped by! Your bird is just the cutest. Yes, aren’t blog friends wonderful. I too, have developed wonderful friendship along the way and feel so blessed.
    Happy Pink Saturday to you,

  11. So here you are! I have been making my way slowly through all the beautiful pinks! Yours are no exception, love the gifted bird and the frilly dress is to die for! Thanks for sharing your Pink. Happy Pink Saturday! ~Diane

  12. Your blog is darling! I love pink Saturday and all my bloggy friends, gorgeous pink goodies you got! Thank you so much for your visit!

  13. Happy Pink Saturday
    What a beautiful and thoughtful gift.
    I know exactly what you mean as when I started to Blog I never anticipated friendships that would matter and the depth of generosity and kindess.

  14. well my dear friend…i think i am the one that is blessed! i am so thankful that you have entered my life…each day is a bit more sunny because of it and may i say that you and your fabulous blog put me in the “pink” : ) couldn’t resist! i wish you and yours the most wonderful and fabulous weekend ever and i thank you for being a my friend (do you hear that Carol King song playing in the background : ) tons of hugs…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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