Books, Books and More Books
Those of you who visit Katherines Corner regularly know how much I love books. I even created a book club. I am a true bibliophile.
Note-one nicely staged photo to the left the rest straight out of the camera
I wandered around the house and took photos of “some” of the books.
There are books in boxes waiting to be donated.
There are books on shelves, in closets, in bookcases
in baskets,
in barrister bookcases
and even as decoration.
There are books in the pantry, books waiting to be reviewed (see wordless Wednesday below) and even books about blogging ( top photo).
I love them all!!! There are more, but you get the picture. Before you ask me. Yes, I’ve read nearly all of them. There are still a few that are waiting to be read. Did I mention I love books?
Do you read your books and pass them on? Do you collect books? Do you decorate with books?
Only seven days left to enter the Pink Poodle Giveaway!!
Have you Joined The book Club
I read! Books, magazines, blogs, news articles…on and on! When I come across the rare ‘Life Changing, Must Read’ I always pass it on…and usually find myself wanting it back…so, I repurchase! New follower, great blog…have a wonderful week!
I love books, too!
I try to check them out first before committing to by, unless it is a book written by an author I love! I sometimes collect those I know I will not read again and donate them to a local library.
I need to work on book storage!!!
By the way…the chili looks great, but maybe for later in the week when it cools down. We had another tornado outbreak overnight, and I dread hearing about the fatalities and damage.
Ricki Jill
I love books and magazines too…and like you, have bookcases full and also use them as decor. I wouldn’t want an eReader even if it were free – I love my REAL books!
I love the staged picture and all of the others too! I also love books! Your book collection looks amazing! Your blog is lovely! I can’t wait to see more posts!
I do wish I loved to read, but I dont! Your house looks kinda like the man on storage wars last night. He bought a storage that was nothing but boxes stacked from floor to ceiling, front to back of the storage building because his “gut” was telling him there was some valuables in those boxes. You know, they just get to peek in, but not go in there, so you don’t actually know what is in the boxes. Every single box was filled with books! At the end, he said if he charged $1.00 a book, he would make $15,000.00! Soooo, I guess there was 15000 books in there.
OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Looooove books too! And there are so many genres to choose from! I don’t think the Kindle or any other electronic gadget will ever compare to the feeling of a true book in your hands.
I love books! I like to hold them in my hands, and I like the way they look even for decoration. I will never own a kindle, and books are only going to become more and more precious. Hold onto those, they will be like old vinyl records someday:) Wouldn’t you love some gorgeous library in your house someday full of books too?!
I have a lot of books too, but I’m getting better at passing most of them off when I’m finished with them. Currently I just don’t have the space to keep ALL the books I buy to read, so unless I really LOVE a book and know that I’ll definitely reread it again at some point I’ll either hand it down to one of my family members (not so much though) or put it in a box to donate. Last spring I donated about ten bags of books to a HS student collecting for a library that had been destroyed by Katrina. This time around, I’ll donate to the local library.
Nice collection! I’m a reader too, and I love adding new books to my collection… of course where to put them, that’s always the question, isn’t it?
Ah, Katherine! I share your love of books, and I am happily married to another book lover. Between us we have bookcase after bookcase of treasured tomes and our favorite outing is to the bookstore for several hours of browsing, coupled with a moment of sitting together with a cup of coffee discussing the treasures we found.
For some reason I won’t read a book over again, I will watch the same movie to death but I won’t read a book twice, go figure. Therefore, most of my books get donated, I use a few to decorate and a few I keep as reference books. I am a history buff, so I get the Time books and those I consider learning books but my pleasure reading gets read and then donated!
I was looking at some of the titles. Great minds think alike. They are the same ones that line many of my bookshelves! Look all the books and love even more that you donate them!! A wise woman once told me she thought every book had a soul. Its purpose in life was to touch as many lives as possible. Thank you for sharing so many souls!
Hi Katherine!
Oh I do LOVE books! I have soooo much, that I had to donate many of them! My love for reading has been since childhood…it’s rather insane how many books I have! lol Love the way you have your books organized and out in your home!!!
Happy Weekend to ya!!!
Your home looks like my crowded little apartment. My friends says it looks like a library made out of a movie lobby (I have autographed movie posters on my wall). LOL. Have a healing weekend, Roland
I love books. I am buying books ALL THE TIME. My problem is that I don’t read them!
lol, I’m so like this. I have books everywhere. I try to keep them all in the den, but I like to read everywhere.
how wonderful..I share your love of books and they are everywhere in our house…everntually someone else picks them up too…which is fabulous!!
Happy Pink Saturday! ~Diane
Love seeing all your lovely books!
Books are in every nook and cranny of my house– and even in a couple of outbuildings! Books add so much warmth, character and beauty to a room— and bookish decor vignettes are charming.
Pink at my page, have a lovely weekend!
I’m totally with you…I ADORE books!! I wish my hubby would let me store more of them!!!
For me and my hubby, it’s old books. We haunt shops, scour the internet, beg from friends and frequent estate sales….yep, we’re book crazy!
His oldest find is from mid 1700’s… it’s fun! Yes, we have read most of them, and trying to work our way around to the rest!
Yes, I love books, but I think I love magazines even more. I buy gardening and decor books. Oh and of course recipe books, (not as many of those than the other two). I love having them out for display. Switch them out for which ever looks best with the season or holiday decor. I also do dispose of some magazines. Just keeping the pages that I want for inspiration. I file them in a binder. I think you have me beat with your number of books girl.
I love love love books as well! I used to collect them and had shelves and shelves of them. But a few years ago I came to the conclusion that my house was too small and I needed to make room for new books. So I gave most of them away to our local SPCA book store. I figured I was never going to read all of them again and the books would go to raising money for our local animals shelter. It was hard to give them away though in one big swoop like that. Now I only keep the really special ones (aren’t they all special??) and give the rest away to the book store.
But oh the smell of a new book. Mmmm…. it gets me every time!
Happy Saturday Katherine!
xo Catherine
I love books too and more recenty have stared loving to write books! Please see if you would like to read any of the books I have written
Found you on the Blog hop! Following you now!
Hi Katherine! I’m just getting back into making the rounds. It has been a busy start to the new year. I’ve missed you and so glad to see your beautiful blog today! Yes, I love books too….and yes, I decorate with them. I have so many. I’ve always loved book covers…as far back as about age three, standing in front of a display of beautiful books at a store, mesmerized by them. I usually don’t pass them along…I’m so attached, but I do buy extras and give them as gifts
I hope you have a beautiful week-end. Looking forward to visting again soon! xo
I have more magazines than books. We do have many children’s books. My oldest son loves to read before bed.
I love books. I call myself a bookaholic. I read every chance I get. I wish I got more time, but there is too much to do and I have to priortize things. I only keep my favorite fiction books. I keep most the nonfiction for later reference.
I have a stack of unread books that keep calling to me.
I’m always looking for space to put another bookcase.
books are piled everywhere and I love them all. I am trying to force myself to let some go. sigh ~ Maureen
I love books, too. I can spend hours in a bookstore and come home with a pile every week. I try to go through mine a couple of times a year and clear out ones that can be donated to the library for their Friends of the Library sale. I have books all over my house, much like you. There’s a wonderful old quote ~ “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ~ that I totally agree with.
Hi lovely lady.
I do read a lot of old book’s by Dee Brown like [Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee]
most are about the History of the American West Indian’s..
I love your post sweet lady.
XXOO Diane
Love books too, and love to write as well – so reviewing books is a good fit for me. I donate some to our school and local public library, some become gifts to friends and family and of course some I keep.
i love books! they always give me peaceful feeling.. and you have bunch of books with you dear, awesome. I love your blog, all contents are amazing <3
follow me if you love to, and i’ll follow you back
Our books were taking over our house! Now that I only download eBooks, I’ve stopped the onslaught. I’m also reading more often.
I love books too and enjoy having them in my house.
YES!!! LOVE books! I think we have books in just about every room of our house! I love being surrounded by them, so I suppose you could say I’m a collector. I can’t really see myself giving them away, though in the past, I have and regretted it ever since! Huge, huge fan and I too use them for decoration. Great post! Glad to know I’m not the only one with this insane obsession! Hugs, xo
Hello Katherine, I love books also. I have them everywhere too, I do it all! Have a wonderful day.
Love your books post! We also have books and more books… so thankful we were able to share this gift-love of reading to our daughters! I love to see them-anyone reading-the world is ours!! Even from our snowy-cold- little corner!! Have a beautiful weekend!~~Rain
Yes! I love books too! I have them all over the house too, but my reading is more focused these days than it used to be years ago. I read with a purpose most of the time, unless I come across something I REALLY can’t resist…i.e. the classics, which for some reason, I apparently didn’t read in my lifetime! I recently read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and To Kill A Mockingbird…I also read ‘The Help’. So you see….focused! LOL This was a good post.
Well there is NOTHING wrong with that my friend!! I love the smell, texture, colour, type on books too… my step mum is book crazy I tell ya – all over the house – even in the bathroom. You are not alone. hahahaaa..
Great interest!
Jennie. x
I don’t read much anymore, however, most every book I have, has been read and is still in the house… because I save everything… too much of everything.
me likey!!! me too crazy about books but am mostly crazy about fiction and sci-fic. Others like Memoir or Bio.
Do you like mystery? If yes, do try out books by Shamini Flint. Asian author who writes Inspector Singh series.
I love them. Mainly coz the events that she wrote happen and she is daring to touch some controversial issue.
Check her out in FB. Last round when i commented, she gave a ARC of one of her books
What a good idea for a post Katherine! In our home, we are just like you. We love books and have SO many of them all over the house. I can’t imagine not loving books, and I still have Enid Blyton books going back as far as my 7th birthday! I can still remember, as a child, going to sleep on the eve of my birthday, and being so excited because I knew that I would get a new book as a present. Thankfully, my daughters and grandchildren love books just as much as I do. Hugs my friend.