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  1. i am a new follower of your blog. i follow thru google friend and recently subscribed to e-mail. i also fan your FB page, follow on google+ and will soon be on linky this eve.. thanks for a lovely giveaway 😉

  2. Hi Katherine,
    Thank you for stopping by and reminding me about your giveaway….Which by the way is just the sweetest. Will be keeping my fingers crossed. I’ve been a follower through GFC for a while and now I am a follower thourgh Linky Follower as well….Yay! Good luck to everyone. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  3. Hi Katherine Sweetie…
    What a wonderful give a way. Someone is going to be one lucky gal. I am a follower and love your blog. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity. I don’t have a facebook, twitter or google account though sorry.
    Country hugs, Sherry

  4. What a lovely giveaway and it would go perfect with my project I am working on! That spice rack will be part of my creative closet I am working on (ever so slowly I should warn you!) I think maybe I shouldn’t have put that post up quite yet as it could take me months to finish at the rate I am going!

    bee blessed

  5. I follow email, GFC, Google+, twitter, and I’ll have to do the Linky thing now. Donna I’ll tweet for you too.

  6. Hi Katherine, Thanks for the chance to win your lovely give away. I am a subscriber to your posts. I will follow too. I will add your give away button to my side bar. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  7. And took your button over to my page.
    Thank you so much for your graciousness.
    Best wishes to all.
    PS-LOVE your Thursday link party. I look forward to joining soon.

  8. Beautiful give aways – of Love!
    I’m a follower – but to bad I’m living outside the area 😉

    Have a great day!


  9. Hi Sweetie – did you get my message about putting together a catalogue? Just let me know how I can help! I am going to promote this give-away on the Ruby community page and on my blog at mamas*little*treasures. Also, if you have a new banner for me to use in the March issue of the Ruby magazine, could you please send me the image? Thanks, my dear friend ;o) Nina

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    Katherine. I love your Beautiful Give-A-Way !!
    I do follow you on your Blog .
    I do follow you on facebook.
    I do have your Button on my sidebar
    XXOO Diane

  11. I am a new follower by email of your site. I also liked you on Facebook.
    It looks like you have lots of fun with your gran kids. We have one grown son but no grand kids. I love hearts – they are my favorite shape. I have made a heart shaped quilt as a wedding gift for a friend.
    Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  12. I did everything but Linky and your button. As soon as I find them I will do them also. Looks like a great give away. I couldn’t find who won last months. I must be reading too fast.

  13. Hi Katherine, I am in your circle. At least I think I am. I signed up to be in, but not quite sure how this circle thing works. Guess I am a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. lol!

  14. Hi Katherine (Katie) Thanks for following my, I’m following you back on Linky. I have to say I LOVE the name of your blog. haha My mom’s name is Catherine and your blog looks like it could be her’s. She doesn’t have one, but if she did it would look like yours – soo pretty and feminine. Guess I’m now entered for your giveaway. That necklace is very cute. Hearts are my favorite!

    Have a great weekend. =)

    ~ Catie

  15. I follow you on GFC and need to change it to subscription since all that stuff is changing. Please enter me. I’ve really enjoyed your Thursday hop. It was two full days of blog reading when I was sick last week. It made it bearable- even fun!

  16. Hi Katherine. What a perfectly sweet little giveaway. Just perfect for the month of February! I would very much like to be included if I may. I follow you here and also on google reader. I’m sure I ‘liked’ you on facebook a while ago, but I will check on that one. Good luck to everyone, and thank you so much for putting on such a super giveaway. Hugs my friend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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