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  1. My mother in law is living proof that you can beat this disease. She defied all odds, refuse chemo and completely changed the way she ate,lived and breathed. With a lot of faith and a whole lot of love this disease can be conquered. Blessings to your dear friend x

  2. I am so sorry that your friend is facing this. I know firsthand the difficulties one has to go through with cancer….
    She is in my thoughts.

  3. Praying and hoping all the best for Kelli! Thanks for posting this…I visited her blog and am following. She certainly has a wonderful attitude.
    Hugs, GraceinAz

  4. prayers are said and a candle burns brightly (just something that we do) please let us know how she is doing God bless her!
    hugs to you and yours my friend — thinking of you

  5. I will add her to my prayers. So many families are touched by this disease. It breaks my heart.

  6. Prayers and love to Kelli and you! Mom went through the same and was grant more than 20 additional cancer free years.

  7. Katie, I’m am thinking of you and your friend Kelli. I didn’t know you’d been through this too. You’re an amazing positive woman. God bless!

  8. I just prayed and I also have a friend who went through the same surgery ten years ago and still living a vibrant, joyful life today. I pray Kellie will have hope and joy as she goes forward.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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