spaghetti salad

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  1. Pingback: Perfect Day For A Picnic and Winner Announcement » Katherines Corner
  2. oh be still my vegetarian heart!!!! this is right up my tastebuds my friend!!! i think i am going to hop out to the kitchen in a bit and make this for tonight!!!! thanks so much for sharing — now if i only had your FRESH peas!!! ; ) sending hugs…

  3. Oh yum…spaghetti salad is a great refreshing kind of meal that doesn’t leave you completely feeling like you’ve eaten half of your house. I make this sometimes, especially during the summer. Happy Monday sweetie! ~Hugs, xoxo

  4. That one looks really yummy. I never would have thought to do a pasta salad using spaghetti. I will have to try that. I’ve been into salads now that it’s the summer season.

  5. I think my whole family will like this salad. And I can picture it with different types of pasta also. What a great recipe. Thanks Katherine.

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