Joy Of Giving
I love to give gifts. My monthly giveaways at Katherine Corner always brings me joy. Thank you to all who participated and helped to promote the Happy Holidays giveaway. It was my most popular giveaway to date! Using the rafflecopter selection system the winner has been selected. Please join me in congratulating Christina from the blog Spilled Milkshake. Congratulations Christina your gifts will be on the way!!! I sent you an email ( please respond within 72 hours )
you are the winner of the Happy Holidays giveaway for 2012.I love the idea of giving gifts to my lovely bloggy friends.
I especially love to give gifts at Christmas. I create a food box of dinner and dessert for the local food center. I give gifts to the toys for tots, to friends , family, loved ones, and to our neighbors. I also give monetary gifts to the shiny red bucket on the corner carefully guarded by one of Santas helpers. I give all year round too! But at Christmas, one of my favorite times of the year. I love to give, to acknowledge and to share whatever I can. It brings me joy!
Last week I shared some sweet reindeer cupcakes for neighbor gifts. Today I am sharing the gifts we gave to our neighbors this week ( and our family and some friends too).
The house smelled so good with brownies and cookies baking. I was busy creating gift bags for our neighbors when my sweet hubby came home from work and declared, ” it smells delicious in here! Have you been baking cookies? You’re not a baker, your a chef!” Well that was an awesome compliment, sort of….LOL. He’s right, I don’t do much cookie baking , but at holiday time I get down to business.
I took some time away from baking to wrap some of the gifts for our grandchildren too. Each child has their own color and style of wrapping paper. It helps keep the chaos to a minimum.
You don’t have to use expensive ribbon to make a pretty packages.
Now before I start feeling to full of myself….. I want to share this little cooking blunder and a very important tid bit. Just keeping it real my friends.
Space your cookies properly. I think I was getting tired and just threw caution to the wind and well…this is the result..LOL
What have you been baking that makes your house smell delicious? Have you had any cooking blunders lately?
Katherine, you are amazing. I am guilty of doing the same thing with cookies when I rush. They still taste great though!
Thank you so much for linking up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop last week. I am following you back by the way.
If you have time, we’d love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven’t already! (Thank you so very much if you’ve already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)
Come and link up, enter the giveaway (if you haven’t yet) and celebrate the coming weekend with us!
Jean {What Jean Likes}
Hi Katherine like Alex said , I’m moving to ur neighborhood!! all those goddies and a special neighbor like YOU!! I would be in heaven!!! Have a blessed and healthy holiday my wonderful friend! from ur friend @somerskys!!:’)
Precious gifts and delicious sweets, your photos are yummy. Greetings.
What fun and I love this post. So glad for this time of year with all the glad tidings and yuletide.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats to the winner and boy oh boy I want to be a neighbor
Such tastefully done holiday gifts and foods ~ Very Creative! ~ Happy Holidays ^_^
(A Creative Harbor ~ aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^)
You certainly have a generous spirit. It makes me happy to visit your blog – so inspiring! Merry Christmas to you. I hope your New Yea will be filled with love and creativity.
It all looks beautiful but then I would expect no less from you. Happy Holidays!
You and your home are full or elfin magic and festive holiday cheer, yay!!
Have a Merry merry, happy happy!
Always, Queenie
Glad to see I’m not the only one with kitchen blunders. Although I love to bake, I don’t really like doing cookies – too fussy. Silly, I’d rather bake a three tiered wedding cake than a bunch of chocolate chip cookies.
Giving to others….my favorite thing to do. I will be wrapping presents and baking this weekend. Today I will clean the house. I can’t wait for Christmas Day. Merry Christmas!
Congratulations Christina! =)
Katherine, your packages and food gifts look lovely! Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season! =)
looks really good. I think I am going to make some red crackle cookies today (red velvet cake mix), and I’m thinking of making molasses cookies too. Spending a few nights with my kids tonight and tomorrow a nice break from my not nice neighbors. That would be the best Christmas present to see them gone. Hopefully by January at the latest. I will be jumping for joy when that happens.
I have lots of cookie blunders! Like you I am a chef, not a baker. When it comes to baking, it’s pretty important to follow recipes and I don’t follow recipes!
I’m moving to your neighborhood!
Have a wonderful Christmas, Katherine. I imagine it will be filled with a lot of joy, just like you.
Yipee! Thank you, thank you! I’m so excited!
I’m running behind! I’m doing all of my baking and gift wrapping today!
I’ll bet those clouds and brick wall in the last photo, taste just as good as if they were the shape you intended. Everything looks terrific!
Congratulations, Christina!