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  1. We LOVE chicken noodle soup around here…especially this week with the flu making its rounds through the household. It’s been requested over and over – and my recipe is just like yours!

  2. It’s so hot here right now it’s tough to think of sweet Izzy jumping through snowbanks to have a piddle. 🙂

    I love chicken noodle soup but lately all I want is salads and cold soup. I’ll save this for when the seasons change.

  3. I love soup too! I love in Canada and we have our share of cold months as well.
    You recipe is similar to mine, that I use for turkey/chicken soup. I could almost live on it, lol

  4. Even if it’s not snowing, the cold weather makes me hungry for soup and I think chicken noodle is one of the best soups to bring you comfort on cold and snowy days.

    No snow here just cold temperatures. It was 25 degrees here last night and a great night for burrowing down beneath a nice duvet. HA

  5. Looks like you were in the same snow boat we were in. At least your dog went out. Ours absolutely refused till it didn’t storm any more, which was most of the day. Must have been very uncomfortable. (-:

  6. I really like the snow…when I don’t have to drive in it, haha. We haven’t had but one dusting this year in NC…sigh…I wish we would get some. 🙂
    Love the chicken noodle idea…I’m trying to shake a cold; this sounds perfect. 🙂

  7. We love soup too and this sounds delicious, but we haven’t really had snow much this winter. It is raining again today for the third day in a row. That said, definitely going to have to try this. Thanks 🙂

  8. I made homemade chicken soup yesterday just as insurance to keep us all healthy!! I teach in high school and kids come sick, so I need every bit of insurance possible and chicken soup so often does the trick. I had to leave out the noodles because I am on a low carb diet…but it was still excellent! I love it that we are finally having a little cold weather in Texas!

  9. I am a big chicken fan and I love soup Katie! Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. I could do with this today as I am battling the flu and feeling rather chilly! By the way, the snow picture is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing on Creative Monday and have yourself a great day.

  10. I wish that I could experience your winter weather for just one day, Katie. We’re in the middle of a heat wave with the temperature coming close to the record high day after day. I can picture Izzy coming back into the house with snow in his whiskers. I’m sure he loves to romp in the white stuff. You soup looks delicious and I would enjoy it year ’round. Have a fine day out your way, dear friend!

  11. I’m a huge fan of soup, especially in the cooler weather. It’s one of the few things I fix on a regular basis. You just can’t beat it!

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