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  1. Ahh Katherine, what a beautiful tea pot, I have always wanted one, the poem is wonderful thank you for sharing. My latest post Twig Terrariums Wordless Wednesday

  2. Lovely photo and I loved the poem! I grew up in a British household, so of course I drink tea at all hours, and especially at 5.00 pm! See you tomorrow!

  3. The tea pot is beautiful and the little bird caught my eye….you might like the pictures I took at one of our local bakeries…Bird Bakery. The cups even had little birds on them. Have a beautiful day, Katie! Wish we could have tea together some day!

  4. Katherine,

    That’s lovely. I wouldn’t say, “No, thanks.” to tea!

    Your new blog header is very pretty. The lilacs in the jar remind
    me of the big lilac tree in my childhood backyard. Lilacs, the flower
    and the color, are beautiful.

    New End Studio

  5. Aww…this makes me think of my best buds from college and how I would love to get together with them again. 😀 Lovely post!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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