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  1. What a sweet little poem that brings back memories to me. My mother had a clothes line when I was a little girl and of course we had no dryer. My job was to hold the clothes pin bag and always be ready with a clothes pin as she hung out the laundry. I had a clothesline about 30 years ago and I used it some. Nothing like the smell of clean sheets air dried on the line. I want to take you for touring my home today.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  2. I love that! I have never thought of a clothes line that way before, or in any way I suppose. I faintly remember seeing a few clothes lines when I was a small child and maybe will start to see more as some are becoming “green”.

  3. Great poem. I can remember hanging diapers on the line in winter. They would freeze stiff immediately. They dried by the wind whipping them dry. Brrrrrrr, so glad that time has past.
    xo Ginger

  4. Lovely poem BUT! all i can say is THANKS GOD! for dryers and the ppl who invented them. I never had a cloth line my mom did and as a child my sister is 11 years younger than me SOO MY CHORE was to hang the diapers my mom, washed, on the cloth line and take them off when they dried and fold them. THANKS GOD FOR PAPER DIAPERS TOO!! but i love loveLAVENDER to put in between my sheets when i store them in the lenin closet.

  5. I used to hang my clothes on the line, and can remember my mother doing it as well.
    I miss having a clothes line!! The clothes smelled so fresh, it was wonderful!!

    **Love the poem!! =)


  6. This is a wonderful post, Katie. I have early childhood memories of my mother using a primitive wringer washing machine and hanging clothes on the line. Everybody in the neighborhood did it and you really could learn a lot about a family from looking at their laundry drying in the sun. Thank you, Katie, and have a happy Wordy Wednesday!

  7. Hi Katherine,
    What a lovely poem. I must admit that you tell all of that about me since I hang out almost all of my laundry all year. The perk of living in Florida.
    Thanks for the lovely poem,

  8. Hi Katherine thanks for sharing such a nice poem, I even remember my grandmother hanging clothes in her snow boots in the winter to freeze fry her sheets. But everything smells so fresh when hung outdoors, I still hang things on hangers outside to dry. But the sheets and towels are the best.

    Hope you have a great week, Hope you can stop by this week and check out some of these posts


  9. What a sweet photo! And I love the poem. I never thought about what clothes on the line said about the home. I can’t wait to hang things out. We need a new clothes line as ours got cracked and the wire inside the plastic rusted. Not good for the clothes! Have a great day. Pamela

  10. Used to hang my bedding out on the line, but I don’t have a clothes line at this house so I haven’t in years.

  11. I absolutely love hanging my laundry out to dry on the clothesline in the summer. Everything smells so fresh when dried on the line. It’s a luxury to slip between sheets at night that have that fresh outside smell.

    Great poem Katherine, thanks for finding and posting it.

    Have a great day.

  12. I love hanging my clothes on the line! I love the way it smells and I love the electric bill better too! LOL Once I could not get the cat smell out of the cat blanket, I hung it on the line and the sun got the smell out, Also helps with stains on the back of old quilts!

  13. Wonderful poem. I bet all them aprons are yours hanging there on the line. :}
    Ten years have passed and I’m still waiting for hubby to put up a line for me.Not holding my breath waiting for one either. Clothes always smell so nice a fresh when hung out in the good ole fresh air.
    Thanks for the memories.

  14. Haven’t had a clothesline, since we lived in Queens, NY as a kid, but you truly reminded me of that here. Thanks for the bit of a walk down memory lane with your awesome poem. Happy Wednesday Katherine!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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